Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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order to avoid ABC’s competing with' itself, as did Red and Blue networks under the old NBC setup. He told how ABC has encouraged its affiliates to apply for FM and become part of ABC's projected 243-station FM network. He said 121 have already applied, 87 have yet to apply — and in 35 markets ABC wants both AM-FM outlets. Queried about the network's TV plans by Commr. Denny, V/oods stated unequivocally, "We expect to make money out of television over a period of time. V/e don’t expect to go broke on it, Mr. Chairman." How long would ABC have to operate its projected 5 TV stations (it has none yet) before breaking even? Three years, probably less. How about the paucity of TV receivers? Just put out the programs and people v/ill clamor for sets, was V/oods’ reply. Not only the King-Trendle purchase deal, but also a total proposed expenditure of $5,255,383 on the TV and FM stations it has applied for (thus far has conditional grant only for FM in San Francisco), are reasons for ABC’s proposed new offering of 1,000,000 shares of stock for which it expects to derive around $14,000,000. Acquisition of VVXYZ and grants for TV and Ffjl would give netv;ork AM-FM-TV combinations in 5 cities. These and proposed TV-FM construction costs were listed as follows: New York — TV-, $922,170; FM, $29,825. Chicago — TV, $486,000; FM, $76,100. Los Angeles — TV, $923,838; FM, $98,750. San Francisco — TV, $386,500; FM, $98,750. Detroit — TV, $200,000; FM, $33,460. PBOBLSM G? TV Growing seriousness of interference, particularly from FM, on TV reception is given technical treatment by DuMont’s research chief. Dr. T. T. Goldsmith in July's Electronic Industries. Since much interference is due to use of superheterodyne circuits, FCC engineers say no change in allocation would eliminate problem. Goldsmith indicates careful engineering of receivers can cut interference to minimum. S2SBT iiHD SOUHD; Authentic set production figures soon v/ill be available monthly from RMA, serving as true guide. RMA spokesman says June figures not yet ready but indications are FM combinations will comprise only small proportion; ensuing months should shov/ substantial rise as FM stations go into operation and distributors, channel their sets to markets where FM service is available. .. .Pilot Radio’s claim, to having first table model v/ith nev/ FM band ($129) doesn’t jibe v/ith Zenith’s production of table AM-FM model containing both old and new FM bands (priced around $60), an excellent set.... RCA, one of few non-licensees of Armstrong’s FM patents, has been licensed by Philco to use its Advanced FM System and other patents.... Disclosed among contributors to Senator V/heeler's primary campaign is Sol Taishoff, of Broadcasting, down for $200; Wheeler, chairman of Senate committee handling, radio, has as his candidate for FCC vacancy J. Burke Clements, present chairman of Montana Industrial Accident Board. .. .Washington law firm of Cramer & Haley breaks up, v/ith Radio Attorney Andrew Haley alone again, due to Gen. Myron C. Cramer’s appointment as judge on Tokyo war crimes tribunal ; Gen Cramer is Army’s ex-JAG.... Litigation was almost over on Government’s TV antitrust suit (Vol. 2, No. 17) this week, when Justice Dept, objected to some basic terms of joint settlement proposed by concerned parties ; time to answer American Scophony’s cross-complaint was extended for remaining 6 defendants until July 15.... FCC made final proposed, allocations in 920-960 me band; 940-952 me is available for FM studio-transmitter links, v/ith space available in upper portion of 920-940 me band if more needed. Also issued was proposed allocation for non-government services in ;152-162 me band, v/hich includes police, mobile radiotelephone, railroad, etc. .. .Resigning from FCC to enter private practice are Jeremiah Courtney, Assistant General Counsel in charge of Safety and Special Services, and Norman E. Jorgensen, of Broadcast Division; they’re now part of firm of David, Courtney, Krieger & Jorgensen, with office at 1707 H St., NW. , Washington, D. C.