Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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WHAT WHSELEH DEFEAT MEANS: There were unconcealed smiles of satisfaction as word trickled through the FCC's perpetual Clear Channel hearing last Tuesday that Senator Wheeler had conceded his defeat for renomination. Reason for the smirks wasn't hard to adduce. It means that, after next Jan. 1, when he is retired, the Montanan's sway over radio, as chairman of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee which writes radio law, has been broken. . It means the end of the potent influence he has exerted over radio and the FCC, often at the instance of fastmoving Ed Craney, owner of Butte's KGIR, his intimate mentor on broadcasting. Even now Senator Wheeler has a Montanan candidate for the FCC vacancy (Vol. 2, No. 28) whom President Truman may or may not appoint. Irreconcilable isolationist Senator Wheeler, on the prompting of Craney, has been adamant on the subject of high power for broadcasting — opposed it so vigorously that he fathered a Senate Resolution limiting AM powers to 50 kw maximum. This restraint has hung over the heads of regulators and broadcasters alike for a decade or more — has thwarted all projects, whether they made engineering sense or not, to utilize higher powers as needed and as radio techniques advanced. It was this resolution that killed off WLW's highly successful 500 kw transmissions* which the Crosley station is now seeking anew. It still stands despite demands from Governors and Senators of Western States for power and more power — the only way to reach their remote areas. Wyoming's Senator O'Mahoney even asked for 500 kw for his State at current Clear Channel hearings. Nor has Senator V/heeler evinced any particular interest in FM or TV, for which not a single application has ever been filed from his State. Question now is, who will succeed Vi/heeler as chairman of his radio-ruling committee? If Democrats stay in power after November Senatorial elections, job is due to go to Senator Barkley of Kentucky, but he probably v/on't take it if he remains as majority leader of Senate. Next in line then would be Senator Johnson of Colorado , not particularly versed in radio. If GOP should gain control, a mathematical improbability, chairmanship would go to Senator Wallace White Jr., of Maine. SISHT AHB SOUND: New York F?v! hearing is being protracted by interposition of insistent allegations Patterson-McCormick Daily News is anti-Semitic, hence should not get FM station; hearing, which now has 18 applicants seeking 5 channels (4 channels having been "frozen") drags into third week Monday. .. .Washington Post, for its FM station W5X0, has purchased Philco's 550 ft tower 2 miles east of Falls Church, Va., 5 miles from center of D.C., expects to have it operating on both high and low bands early August ; tower is ideally located 740 ft above sea level, was built by Philco with original intention of using it for TV. ... Claiming Lea Act unconstitutional, as expected, Petrillo filed motion Monday in WAAF case (Vol. 2, No. 24), claiming violation of 1st, 5th, 10th, 13th Amendments to Constitution; he has until Aug. 5 to file briefs to support motion. Government must answer by Sept. 9, then oral argument can be scheduled. .. .Fabulous Howard Hughes, critically injured after plane crackup, asks delay only until Aug. 9 in giving his Los Angeles TV application testimony to Commissioner V/akef ield ; Don Lee's Tommy Lee v/ill go ahead with his deposition on date originally scheduled for both — July 24 in Los Angeles.... New officers of RTPB (Radio Technical Planning Board) taking over jobs Oct. 1, are: Haraden Pratt, Mackay Radio, chairman; James L. Middlebrooks , NAB, vice chairman; George W. Bailey, ARRL and IRE, secretary; Will Baltin, TBA, treasurer. .. .DuPont has another try coming to prove merits of its new "Telefilm" (Vol. 2, No. 28), for test telecast on WNBT of V/ashington parade films shot Monday afternoon compared poorly v/ith positive movie prints ; v/eather or bad camera handling may have been at fault ....Raytheon, describing new "Cascade Phase Shifter" frequency modulator in its FM transmitters, claims circuit simplicity, easy adjustment, low tube cost, negligible maintenance. .. .Popular radio sales veteran "Gus" Eaves, recently with Graybar, has become sales chief for Finch Telecommunications Inc., facsimile leader, which has appointed Graybar as distributor of all its products. ... Zenith' s pioneer FM station WWZR, Chicago, on Aug. 1 changes its call letters to WEFM (E. F. McDonald).