Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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imi TAPS HSCOBDSH: For the most part, nothing really exciting in the way of electronic devices was captured from the Nazis during the war — we and the British were so far ahead of vaunted German science, particularly in radar, as to make them look like amateurs. However, Royal V. ("Doc") Howard, the prominent Pacific Coast engineer, ran across something he says was "pretty neat" v/hile leading his team of OSRD circuit-tracers around the European battle areas. It*s a magnetic tape recorder using a plast^ic tape coated with magnetite — or just plain rust. Hov/ard says its performance is the best yet — literally, out of this world. Photostated details can be had from the Dept, of Commerce's Office of Technical Services , Washington — document numbers PB-12659, PB-1027, PB-1346, PB-3586. Incidentally, abstracts of all patents seized from German and Japanese nationals can be obtained from Alien Property Custodian, National Press Bldg. , Washington. T2LSV2SIDH HOTES: Add big league sponsorship of TV: by Esso Marketers, carrying films of Paris Peace Conference' opening and of Bikini atom bomb tests, flov/n over and telecast over NBC's WNBT ; by Alexander Stores Inc., starting live audience participation program Sept. 10 for 10 weeks on WABD, handled by ABC; by U. S. Rubber Co . , sponsoring ABC's filmed video broadcasts of recent Minneapolis Aquacentennial over 5 stations. .. .Proposed Macy-CBS TV deal (Vol 2, No. 30), whereby program costs would be shared by country's biggest retail outlet with manufacturers, is reported called off because N. Y. store deems scheme is poorly timed..... NBC's WNBT, New York, disputes claim of WBKB, Chicago, for one-v/eek record of 29 hours of telecasting (Vol 2, No. 30) ; WNBT carried 34)^ hours during 6 days Starting July 8, including 5 days of tennis pro championship pickups .... While tennis telecasts are reported as clear and absorbing as prizefighting or wrestling, Washington News' Eddie Cook, after viev/ing coaxial relay to capital of baseball from Polo Grounds, opines screen much too small to do justice to baseball, camera unable to follow flight of ball. But Sportswriter Cook adds, nevertheless, that v/hen TV sets are on market, "I'll stand in a GI line if necessary to buy my set." SI2HT Ail3 SOUHD: Rival Finch and Hogan facsimile projects going forward, with former signing big Paris newspaper France-Soir for full equipment setups for France, Belgium and Algiers; GE reports Hogan's order for transmitters and equipment is on the line, will be delivered to newspapers and others for tests in 22 cities early next year....FCC made final this week rules governing procedure 01. sale or transfer of control of broadcast stations; only change from those proposed under Avco decision refers to exceptions, which are spelled out in greatei detail. ... Globe V/ireless and International Business Machines have asked the FCC to approve transfer of 3 micro-wave TV-FM relay CPs to GE, which is engineering Nev/ York-Schenectady network now; Globe will retain option to purchase facilities after they become operative, plans then to extend broadcast and business machine net to Chicago. .. .Washington consulting engineer John Barron, for FM site surveys, has purchased new Cessna 140, has also ordered a Seabee, already has used plane to locate transmitter near Troy, N. Y. ; Barron has added to his staff Lt. Comdr. J. Gordon Keyworth, ex-chief of WELI, New Haven, just out of Bureau of Ships electronics division; Carl T. Jones, ex-Navy flier; Ralph E. Patterson, ex-RCA.... For a reasoned temperate exposition of FCC's Blue Book, read "Whose Radio" in August Atlantic Monthly by Edward M. Brecher, former aide to ex-FCC Chairman~Fly, nov/ general manager of Metropolitan Broadcasting Corp. , one of Vi/ashington' s 8 FM ' grantees. .. .And for some brilliant newspaper writing on radio subjects v/e commend N. Y. Herald-Tribune's "Radio in Review" column by John Crosby, subject of story in current Time Magazine .... Sailing for Sweden Aug. 10 on S. S. Gripsholm is E. W. Engstrom, RCA Labs v.p. in charge of research, radio delegate on Royal Swedish Academy's Scandinavian research and industry tour; off by plane for Europe last week was John F. Royal, NBC v.p. for TV, who will "explore television and film facilities" on Continent ... .Another STA was authorized this v/eek to an FM grantee; WQAM, Miami, received permission to put out a 250-watt signal from a bent dipole atop its AM tower.... One of biggest boosters of FM, GE is now starting delivery of combination receivers to dealers, will begin sending them ta^^ models ip September. .. .Powerful AFM Local 802 of New York lost its president of 12 years V/ednesday with death of Jack Rosenberg at 51.