Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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PULSE TimE 'GRAH3 CEMTSAI/: Dubbed "Radio's Grand Central" by reporters who watched demonstration this week. Federal Telecommunications Labs (IT&T) utilized pulse time modulation (PTA<1) to, send 8 different signals simultaneously from atop IT&T Bldg, in downtown Manhattan to its laboratories in Nutley, N.J. Applied to broadcasting, system's potential advantages are seen by engineers as: (1) that it affords huge saving in equipm.ent, inasmuch as many emissions can be fed through single transmitting system; (2) that it makes possible utilization of one best transmitter site by numerous broadcasters (Vol. 2, No. 19). Federal's station, granted CP this week, used about 3 me band v/idth on 930 me to broadcast high fidelity FM programs, AM programs, telephoto and facsimile, news ticker, teletype, transcriptions and recordings — all at same time. Engineers say question is still moot (and these experiments will help decide) v/hether PTM effects frequency economy, i.e., whether more stations can be crowded into smaller portion of spectrum. TSLEV5S50H HOTES: RCA's long-awaited line of TV receivers will be demonstrated before month is out to press and distributors. Four models are scheduled, with first production to go to metropolitan N.Y. area which v/ith 3 telecasting outlets is expected to provide cue to future production and price public v/ill pay. . . .Fallwi,nter season Pf CBS uhf color TV demonstrations, halted for isummer, are due to start any day now; included will be live pickups, whereas previous shows v/ere confined to film. . . . Chicago telecasters formed themselves into a committee Wednesday to cooperate with Electric Association in its drive to make Windy City tops in TV (Vol. 2, Nos. 29 and 34) ; WBKB's Bill Eddy was elected chairman of TV panel, which includes I. E. Showerman, NBC; James L. Stirton, ABC; Frank Schreiber, V/GN ; Carl J. Myers, WGN....U.S. Television Mfg. Co. has secured commercial rights to Dr. Frederick A. Kolster's single, broad-band antenna that covers the TV and FM channels. Dr. Roister developed Simply designed, inexpensive universal antenna for Navy during v;ar....Long -reluctant to telecast motion pictures. Television Productions ( Paramount ) v;ill overcome its aversion to film on air by inaugurating 16mm movies over its Hollywood experimental outlet, W6XYZ, as soon as delivery of equipment is made in about month. S!Si5T SOUHU: Complete AM-FM duplication will be the order next v/eek v/hen Washington Post's WINX-FM goes on air under STA granted Thursday. Station plans to operate 14% hours a day on both high (92.9 me) and low (43.2 me) bands, the. former with 2 kw radiated power. No time will be sold until January,, when some separate program.ming will be attempted. .. .Rep. Lea says rather than stir up unnecessary controversy, he's not pressing for replacement of Chicago Federal District Attorney J. Albert Woll in forthcoming Petrillo-WAAF test case (Vol. 2, No. 34) ; he says he understands Dept, of Justice intends to relieve Woll's av/kward position (being son of AFL v.p.) somewhat by appointing man to share prosecuting job.... That facsimile can utilize microwave relays for long-distance transmission was successfully demonstrated recently by Raytheon when it sent maps, photographs and text over its New York-to-V/altham circuit ; Hogan Fax equipment was used on a 4.8 kc band v/ithin a 15 kc channel on 4,000 me.... On air with interim operation is KRFM Fresno, Cal., putting out 19 hours per day, with plans including extensive list of football games exclusively for FM station; sale of time starts Jan. 1.... Stanley Kempner, ex-radio editor of "Retailing," has a book titled "Television Encyclopedia due off the Fairchild Press in late fall; he's now connected with National Household Equipment Corp, 56 Court St., Brooklyn. ... Olympic Radio & Television Inc., formerly known as Hamilton Radio Corp., has acquired new plant at 3101 38th St., Long Island City, N.Y., enabling it to quadruple output of "Olympic" brand radios ....Latest of Washington radio fraternity to seek station of own is Col. Herbert L. Wilson, consulting engineer, who has filed for 1 kw fulltime on 780 kc in Rutland, Vt., where he has a home. ...Earl H. Gammons, who succeeded Harry C. Butcher as director of CBS V/ashington office, and Howard Meighan, in charge of network's owned and managed stations, this week were upped to v.p. rank.... Big turnout from every phase of radio industry expected for dinner at New York's Waldorf Sept. 30 honoring RCA President David Sarnoff on completion of 40 years of service to radio.