Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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engineers v;ho saw private' previews earlier in the week (and who think in terms of practical obstacles) said in perhaps more restrained tones. Demonstrations lasted 30 minutes. Single orthicori camera picked up not only stills of famous paintings but action pictures of boxers, a singer and a model demonstrating highly colored apparel, bright lipstick being applied, a crimson package of cigarettes (Pall Malls). Colors were described as "Softer and more pleasing" than in film shov/ings of last winter (Vol. 2, No. 5). "Lush views, in brilliant color, virtually un‘marred by breakaway or fringing," was the v/ay cur correspondent described them. Sultry Songstress Jeri Sullivan lip-faked a recorded song (music can't be televised under Petrillo ban) and was a big hit, in a full-blown recumbent closeup. Even the fast action of prize-fighters was without blur. Images_had to piped via coaxial from laboratory on fifth floor to viev/ing room, dvxe to "leak" in the line to transmitter, but viewers were assured off-theair images would be just as good. So confident are netv/ork's TV developers that they ndw plan experim.ental color telecasts from Madison Square Garden, v/here Ford sponsors sports on CBS's low-band WCBW (Vol. 2, No. 34). A mobile image orthicon y/ill be installed. As for receivers, the 20 custom-built models made by GE on CBS order are in hands of executives ; few of the new order just placed v/ith Bendix are expected to be seen by the public. At Friday demonstrations, aluminum-backed screen provided such high intensity lighting as to render darkening of room unnecessary. CBS Says when color TV sets go into mass production, they shouldn't cost over 10-15% more than low-band sets. T7 GHiVilTS TO CBS HFFILIATSS: First CBS affiliate to get a lov/-band TV grant is Dallas Times-Herald ' s KRLD, v/hich FCG Friday awarded Channel No. 4 (66-72 m*c) v/ith 46 kw visual power, aural power to be determined, antenna height 519 ft. Grant v/as 29th to date. It stands out particularly because (1) most of the AM-affiliated grantees of TV to date are NBC members, (2) KRLD Manager Clyde Rembert was one of 8 ' signers of CBS Affiliates Advisory Board's resolution last February supporting demand on FCC for commercialisation of uhf color TV (Vol. 2, No. 9). Another Signer w'as Manager E. E. Hill, of V/TAG, Worcester, which also got a CP for lowband TV but turned it back to Commission. Another CBS outlet. Cherry & Webb's WPRO, Providence, is first affiliate to carry through on plans to experiment with that network's uhf color TV system. This week it got CP for experimental TV, channels and pov;er to be designated, on v/hich its application stated it was prepared to spend $185,000 (Vol. 2, No. 25). * * * Publisher Paul, Block's Toledo Blade withdrew its application for TV in Toledo this week, thus obviating need for hearing scheduled there Oct. 3 and virtually assuring city's single channel v/ill, go to only other applicant — Fort Industry Co. (George Storer-WSPD) . Latter interests own string of AM stations, plan legal limit of 6 FMs, say they v/ill pursue low-band TV plans in Toledo and later perhaps in other cities. Comdr. Storer recently named an ex-Na\>y colleague, John Koepf, as TV manager in addition to duties as head of Fort Industry's Washington office; Lee Wailes, ex-Westinghouse , new Storer general manager, is headquartering in Detroit. Block radio interests, represented by H. G. Price, stationed at AM-FM stations WWS7/-WM0T, Pittsburgh (Post-Gazette), indicate no intention of v/ithdrawing Toledo FM application, scheduled for Sept. 30 hearing. Withdrav/al leaves exactly 43 low-band TV applications on file, including 8 in Los Angeles and 6 in New York awaiting hearing decisions. A recapitulation of these and the CP grantees to date’ v/ill be published shortly. unions HOT S3 HFLL-BEHT? UAW-CIO dropped application for Los Angeles FM outlet thi v/eek. Coming in wake of Amalgamated Clothing V/orkers Union's withdrawal from Philadelphia hearing concluded there Tmirsday, some eyebrows were raised, questions