Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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PS8USHED HEERIY BY ^ RIDIO NEWS BBREAB, 1519 CONNECIICBI AVE.N.W..lYSSaiN8T0N 6, D.C. lELEPNONE MltHISAN 2B2B • VOL 2, NO. 51 MARTIN CODEL’S authoritative news service OF THE VISUAL BROADCASTING AND FREQUENCY MODULATION ARTS AND INDUSTRY December 21, 1946 , 614 FMs, 518 2U4s SO FAS: Look for flock of FM grants and several hearing decisions next week, for FCC wants to wind up year with flourish. This week's 24 CPs and 8 conditionals (Supplement No. 44-1 herewith) are symptomatic. Grand total of FM grants to date (614) compares v;ith 518 new AMs for year to date (26 this week). Also pouring in are more FM applications, mostly from AMers, on which we will report fully next week. "Not yet ready,” is still word on Boston, New York and other big hearing cases. Comr. Durr, who conducted Boston hearing way back in April, and who has always prodded for action on FM, says case is "in hands of staff." New York situation, heard in July, is back to 17 seeking 5 channels, Dorothy Thackrey’s WLIB having changed its mind, deciding not to withdraw after all. STAs, truest gauge of FM broadcasting, are now being , granted at rate of about one-a-day. Seven more allowed on air this week with temporary facilities; WASH, Washington, D.C.; WELL-FM, Battle Creek, Mich.; KRON, San Francisco Chronicle; WAPO-FM, Chattanooga, Tenn. ; WIZZ, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (Scranton-Wilkes-Barre-Pittston Bcstg. Co.) ; WTCN-FM, Minneapolis. And WFRO, Fremont, 0., was second to apply for F?vt license — first having been KPFM, Portland, Ore. As expected, old FMers using 42-44 me were told this week to move by Feb. 1 to make way for other services. Into 44-50 me band must go: Maj . Armstrong's WFMN, Alpine, N.J., assigned 44.1 me; Washington Post's WINX-FM, 44.7 me; Yankee Network's WMNE on Mt. Washington, N.H. , 45.1 me; plus 6 educational licensees. Of latter. New York's WNYE and Illinois U's WIUC say they will stay off air till ready for hi^gh band operation. In announcing reassignments, FCC again says it will try to let low-banders keep operating until high-band receivers are plentiful. PACIFIC COAST GETS 8 TVs; TV box-score for week; 6 , grants in Los Angeles, one in nearby Riverside, Cal., one in Seattle. FCC thus comes near to cleaning up lowband' TV applicants — having granted 47 to date, which leaves only 19 yet to be acted upon. (We'll have a new detailed log for you shortly; meanwhile, your records should be complete if you have been keeping Supplement No. 18-A up-to-date.) Of the still-pending applications, 5 await momentarily >expected decision on New York hearing (on 4 available channels). Several others seem snafued, for time being at least, in Commission dictum on DuMont -Paramount inter-relationship. Don Lee application for Los Angeles was not acted upon because company faces hearing Jan. 14 (before Comr. Hyde in Los Angeles) on alleged infringements of network rules; meanwhile, Channel No. 2 now used by its experimental W6XA0 is held in reserve. This week's grants; Television Productions Inc., Hollywood (Paramount subsidiary), granted Channel No. 5 (76-82 me), 29.2 kw visual power, 15.7 aural power, 2,921 ft antenna height. Transmitter site, Mt. Alta. Equipment, DuMont. Company now operates experimental TV station W6XYZ, using same channel, will thus have first commercial TV outlet in area. Paramount also controls Balaban & Katz, Chicago (WBKB). Copyright 1946 by Radio Mews Bureau