Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1946)

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VHP-1 STILL IH EFFECT: if you've been reading beyond headlines of news stories about relaxation of housing controls, you know that VHP-1 (Vol. 2, No. 13) is still in effect. So you still must get permit to do any radio construction above $1,000. However, possibility is that sometime in February VHP may be overhauled or revoked entirely. And some liberalization of non-housing construction approvals can be looked for next week, when order is expected raising approval quotas from present $35 million a week to $50 million (Vol. 2, No. 46). FM SET PHODHCTiON DP: FM set production is still going up, slowly but steadily — RMA’ s 'audited total for November reaching record high to date of 27,330 units. This compares v/ith 23,793 for October, best previous month (Vol. 2, No. 47). November FM figures included 25,241 consoles with AM-phonograph, 1,024 consoles without phonograph, 1,065 table models. FM total still looms small in total radio set production for November — 1,496,482, of which only 124,000 were consoles. Current trade reports are that all radios are moving fast, thanks to holiday trade. 1947 TV PROBUCTIOH; Production-wise, TV receiving set picture is beginning to shape up a bit more clearly. Added to the 160,000 sets RCA and 26,000 Farnsworth promise for 1948 (Vol. 2, No. 50), we now have word from DuMont that its various models (Vol. 2, No. 49) will be produced in these quantities between Dec. 1, 1947 and about July 1, 1948: 5,000 of $795 model, 4,000 of $1,795, 1,000 of $2,495. Despite trade reports of early production of $350-$400 DuMont sets, they won't be ready until next autumn. DuJilont table model, shown privately to FCC and others last Monday, is unofficially described as having 12-in. tube, covering all 13 TV channels, including FM broadcast (but not AM) band. Only other firm which has given out figures is Viewtone. claiming 3,000 sets sold to date (nearly all in New York), and scheduled for 200 per week (10,000 total) for 1947. Philco is still the dark horse, and may, if its set is as .good as alleged (Vol. 2, No. 48) and not too expensive, sweep market when quantity production is available. Data on GE production is still not available, nor is it known yet what Crosley, Belmont, Sonora, the others who have promised early TV production, have in mind. Chances are these and others, also limited as to supplies, are sitting tight. Studying how market develops before plunging into TV set production. Meanwhile, RMA monthly report discloses .1,884 TV sets produced in November. 1,551 of them table models (meaning nearly all RCA). RMA also took occasion to correct its September TV output figure of 3,242, saying it was actually only 19 the great disparity being blamed on auditor's error. RMA expects to have recapitulation for year in late January, which presumably will show 1946 total exceeding the 8,000 estimate for RCA alone reported at FCC hearing last week (Vol. 2, No. 50). CSOXiHS WITH BAVTHSO}!: Adding to complications of TV relay and STL frequency allocation oral argument (Vol. 2, No. 43), now postponed to Jan. 28, is Raytheon's bid for 2,600-2,700 me or 2,400-2,500 me assignment for its "Radarange" system of cooking. Raytheon made request at FCC's diathermy-industrial heating hearing this week. Diathermists objected to stringent shielding of such equipment suggested in FCC's proposed rules, but broadcasters felt step would reduce interference from machines to reasonable minimum. RCA presented illustrations of interference to TV which proposed rules would obviate. PROMOTION FM: Radio-in-everv-room slogan of $50.000 promotional camuaicn. votod by RMA last week, would seem to preclude FM in view of fact such an appeal is directed to table model sales and so few table models with FM are being made. Nevertheless, RMA board made plain it wants FM emphasized, for they foresee majority if not all consoles including FM — also more AM-FM table model production. Publicity campaign, for which agency has not yet been selected, will consist largely of merchandising, promotion, advertising aids to manuf acturers-dealers . Budget isn't big enough for space buying. It should get started in February, by which time dealers v/ould be adequately stocked. That FM won't be ignored seems assured by fact Farnsworth's John Garceau heads ad committee. Zenith's Ed Taylor campaign subcommittee.