Television digest and FM reports (Feb-Dec 1947)

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Sponsor. They think an organization can be set up to inform broadcasters on public attitudes, fix standards of commercial practices, conduct researches into v/hat public will and won't accept. This week an organizing committee was set up, to meet sometime next ,month, headed by Mutual's Edgar Kobak and including : Niles Trammell, NBC; Clair R. McCullough, Steinman stations; I.R. Lounsberry, WGR ; Thomas D'Arcy Brophy, Kenyon & Eckhardt ; Sigurd S. Larman, Young & Rubicam; Robert F. Elder, Lever Bros. ; Donovan B. Stetler, Standard Brands. BREAKUP OF FM LOG-JAM: Looks like there's finally a substantial break in the 200odd FM applications gummed up for one reason or another. Parade of FM decisions is definitely under way, gnawipg away at that backlog of 112. Those 23 halted by overlap (Vol. 3, No. 9) are due for breakup, too, with FCC staff whipping them in shape ,for Commission consideration. And those 30-plus lacking program analyses (Vol. 3, No. 7) are due for quick disposal — dismissal, in fact, if data isn't in by April 1. Grants this week comprised only 3 CPs, 9 conditionals (Supplement No. 47-1 herewith), including one for WTOL, Toledo, awaiting decision on ,Blue Book charges, etc. Grant seems indication of Commission's thinking about WTOL's AM too. MIAMI GETS TV; INDIAMA APPL1CAHT: There's a good possibility FCC's decision on color TV will be out next week — ,but it's more probable the wee k after. Our guess is Still what it w as at close of hearings (Vol. 3, No. 7). Meanwhile, eager to clean up pending low-band applications. Commission this week granted its 52nd CP for black-and-white operation to a relative late comer in Miami, received first new TV application in many weeks — for , station in Bloomington, Ind. Grant was made Wednesday to Southern Radio & Television Equipment Co., M i ami , which had applied only 2 months ago (Vol. 3, No. 3). It got Channel No. 4 (6672 me), with 1.57 kw visual, 786 watts aural power, 340 ft antenna, studio and transmitter to be in El Comodoro Hotel. New Indiana application is from Sarkes Tarzian, ex-RCA, now consultant, who asks for Channel No. 10 (192-198 me) with 6.38 kw visual, 3.31 aural power, 263.5 antenna height. Channel 10 is one of 5 assigned Indianapolis (Supplement No. 17) which has only one TV grantee or applicant thus far (Supplement No. 18-B) . Tarzian (of "HiFAM" fame, Vol. 3, No. 2) proposes to build own plant, usa DuMont camera chains for total cost of only $38,270; then he aims to manufacture TV equipment, including "receivers to retail below $200." KILOCYCLES FOE THE COMRADES? If it hasn't already done so in decision on New York FM cases, now being written, it's a good guess that one of rejectees (among 17 Seeking 5 available channels) will be People's Radio Foundation (Supplement No. 14-A) . Publicity spotlight turned on it this week by UP's Lyle Wilson, quoting well-documented article in March 8 issue of anti-Communist "New Leader," should be clincher. Wilson named names, wrote that group is "speckled almost black with Communists. " And the Commies aren't riding very high in Washington these' days. Proposed Chicago decision on hearing held way last May (11 for 10) finally came out this week — with WAIT to be denied because of past programming. Granted were nonAMs Amalgamated, Balaban & Katz, UAW-CIO ; and AMs WENR, WCFL, WAAF , WMAQ, WGES, WJJD, WSBC. REPORT OH FACSIMILE: Publisher Jack Knight, his Miami Herald, its WQAM-FM, In ventor John V. L. Hogan and their staffs seem to be having time of their lives demonstrating fax in Miami this week and next. It's clicked so well with school, civic and business leaders, and public generally, reports Hogan, that they're now "making plans for full-scale daily broadcast schedule to start in fall, when GE equipment is delivered. " Engineers of Radio Inventions Inc., headed by Hogan, have been Supervising demonstrations at 3 locations simultaneously, helped by lads from local tech high school. Equipment consists of one single scanner and monitor, 3 demonstration recorders, all prototypes made in RI labs. Fax editorial staff comprises editor, who also acts as announcer, assistant for rewrites, IBM electromatic operator, staff