Television digest and FM reports (Feb-Dec 1947)

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'TV CARAVAN' BIGGEST PROMOTION YET: Bigge st local advertisers on TV, when it really gets going commercially, will surely be department stores. They've already evinced considerable interest in sight-sound, vis., last year's intra-store demonstrations at Gimbels-Philadelphia and Wanamakers-New York; also fact that 2 big stores (Maison Blanche-New Orleans and William H. Block-Indianapolis) hold permits to build their own TV stations. Hence decision of huge Allied Stores Corp, store chain to send out Sam Cuff and Lou Sposa, ex-DuMont manager-production team, on cross country junket with TV demonstration equipment, calling it "Television Caravan," is not particularly surprising. Imposing is tour's list of "sponsors" who will televise their wares and Services: B.V.D, Hoover, Hickok, Koroseal, Sherwin-Williams, U.S. Rubber, Westinghouse, plus the magazines House Beautiful, Charm and Pic. RCA is setting up equipment, which costs some §100,000, will be carried along with crew of 10 in 6-car "circus" caravan, the cars built specially by Chevrolet. "Television Caravan" v/ill stop in Allied stores in 22 cities, set up store’ Studio with off-the-line receivers throughout stores, in windows, etc. ; then staff will produce local live shows, run off films, etc. It's all a camera chain job, no off-the-air shows since only one city on itinerary as yet has TV station. Allied wants to "educate store personnel" in medium; RCA wants to excite interest in equipment, perhaps impel more TV station applications (and grab off transmitter, receiver business) since all cities visited still have channels available. [For full itinerary, see item on page 4.] CRACKDOWN ON PROCRASTINATORS: Squatters, sit-downers, tail-riders, hip-pocket broadcasters — that's what the more zealous FMers are now calling the brethren who deliberately employ every stalling artifice to delay getting on the air. Also mindful of stalling tactics, FCC attorneys and engineers are considering recommendations to full Commission to do something about them. But first they want to be sure inactive grantees' excuses aren't bona fide — that they really aren't meeting construction difficulties, equipment delays, CAA obstacles — the usual excuses. FMA'S ebullient President Roy Hofheinz, at Albany meeting Monday,' lashed out at laggards, called them tail-riders waiting to climb bandwagon after others risk financial necks to put FM over. He Suggested FCC give grantees 30-60 days to get on air, revoke grants if it finds they're simply sitting on frequency. He coined phrase "hip-pocket broadcasters." Commission engineers already are prodding recalcitrants to apply for STAs, armed with returns to questionnaire sent out with CPs, and say they're getting good results, as witness the 160 STAs reported in our latest FM Directory (Supplement Nos. 50, 50 A, 50B ) . FCC policy was made clear by FCC Chairman Denny's statement at FMA organization meeting (Vol. 3, No. 2) — that Commission didn't propose to let anyone Squat Silently on frequency once granted. Thinking for future includes possibility (1) that completion dates should be extended on request for only 3 or 4 months instead of 6 months as now, (2) that completion dates should be extended on request only until next October or November, then review whole situation, get tough. Copyright 1947 by Radio News Bureau