Television digest and FM reports (Feb-Dec 1947)

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HEW FM DIRECTORY COMING: Our new FM Directory, running 24 pages, is now in galley proofs, will be up-to-date as of July 1, will be mailed to you next week. It's in somewhat different format, grouping all licensees, CPs, conditionals, applicants, together under their respective cities — symbols designating status of each. Included in FM Directory are .just-announced channel assignments for Class A conditional grants. Practice of issuing frequencies with conditionals, started by FCC this week, stems from nature of new allocation plan {Supp. 52), which intersperses Class A and B frequencies. FCC says procedure is designed to give prospective applicants an idea whether there's room for them, emphasizes that after June 50 all applicants must specify channels desired. DON'T WRITE, TELEVISE! Offshoot of TV, "Ultrafax" amounts to speed-of-light facsimile , promises to revolutionize communications industry, will be demonstrated at RCA Princeton labs in August. It was first disclosed by NBC's Niles Trammell at this week's Senate hearing on White Bill — to underscore affinity between radio and press, emphasize need of same freedom for former that Constitution guarantees latter. Its potentialities stagger the imagination. Indeed, Western Union has already ordered equipment to utilize with intercity microwave links it has projected (Vol. 3, No. 24). Trammell told Senators it's now practical — a sort of "radio-mail system which will surpass radio telegraphy, wire telegraphy, cables and air mail in speed of operation. "Here," he added, "television is used for communications instead of entertainment." As many as a million words per minute, or twenty 50,000-word novels, can be transmitted from New York to San Francisco in 60 seconds. Each page of printed matter (letter, check, photograph, newspaper, magazine) is treated like frame of a video picture. TV camera scans message, it's transmitted, then photographed at terminal directly off face of receiver tube, then put through high-speed development process that permits instant facsimile. Same microwaves can handle telegraphy, telephony, AM, FM, TV. "Ultrafax" is primarily a communications tool, but RCA says principle is adaptable for home use, might prove ultimate in home fax. YOUNG MAN GOING SOMEWHERE: FCC Chairman Charles Denny is maintaining discreet silence , but it's our guess his disillusioning experience with Comr. Wakefield's failure of reappointment (Vol. 3, No. 25) will impel him to resign well before end of his term, July 1, 1951, possibly even before next year's elections. He was obviously as surprised and chagrined as Wakefield over the peculiar turn of events that is catapulting Ohio Republican Congressman Robert Franklin Jones into the job. And the bland assertion by a GOP topkick, that now the Republicans can groom their own man for chairman when "we take over next year," certainly doesn't conduce to Mr. Denny's happiness and peace of mind. So we predict it's going to take some doing on President Truman's part, if he's minded to do the doing, to keep Denny on the job through November, 1948 what with numerous private opportunities awaiting the young FCC chairman, plus a Copyright 1947 by Radio News Bureau