Television digest and FM reports (Jan-Dec 1948)

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1 ! HARTIH CGDEI’S authoritative news service OF THE VISUAL BROADCASTING AND FRE9UENCY MODULATION i ARTS AND INDUSTRY § RADIO NEWS BUaEAU, 1519 C0MCT1CUTAYLN.W..WASH1HGT0H 6. D.C.TELEPHOHEKlCm 2020 * VOL 4, NO. 29 I July 17, 1948 I I I I I i I I i WSPD TV FINDING CHANNEL 13 OKAY: There *3 nothing wrong with Channel No. 15 in To ledo, where second TV station ever to work topmost 210-216 me band tested all this week, reported far happier results than Newark's WATV (Vol. 4, No. 28). In fact, WSPD-TV manager Ed Planigan and chief engineer Bill Stringfellow are so satisfied they're putting it on regular Monday-Friday 6-11 p.m. schedule starting next Wednesday, July 21. RCA transmitter is used, same as WATV, but WSPD-TV folk think perhaps they're especially favored by flat terrain, 550-ft mast in downtown Toledo, absence of tall buildings. Reception has been possible without aerials within mile of transmitter, and good signals have been reported thus far from Lima, 70 mi., and Archibald, 45 mi. to southwest; Port Clinton, 40 mi. east; Detroit, 60 mi. north. WSPD-TV starts its commercial T-Day with $2,000-32,500 per w'eek billings already booked, said Flanigan, including such sponsors as Ford dealers (baseball), Philco (live and film cowboy shows), Chevrolet (newsreel), probably RCA (sports), Bulova time signals, 10 local spot users (for rate card, see TV Directory No. 4; Television Rates & Faetbook). City already has 600-700 sets, Flanigan reports. Dealers are geared to sell 2,500 more next 90 days. Toledo Times will publish special 24-page TV edition July 21. Note to TV receiver manufacturers: Next new TV markets about to open up are Atlanta, Miami and Albuquerque. Atlanta's WSB-TV now reports it will start on-theair tests Aug. 15; WAGA-TV there is also installing, will get going soon too. Miami's WTVJ, though still av/aiting FCC approval of transfer of control to WolfsonMeyer theater interests (Vol. 4, No. 17), will have GE transmitter ready for dry runs in about 10 days, reports manager Robert Venn, who plans big promotions rest of this month. Albuquerque's KOB-TV nov; promises to get started "sometim.e in August." JOIN 'EH IF YOU CAN'T LICK 'EM: Don't think for a moment that Paramount's Barney Balaban, the Warner Brothers and the brothers Skouras of 20th Cenury-Fox are simply flicking their own and their stockholders' money around in the current eager scramble for TV preferment. They may not know exactly what they're after, how TV will affect their business — but they intend to find out. Hence Paramount's preoccupation with getting stations (it has 2 on air, is identified with 5 applications) and with its system of fast-film telecasting. Also Fox's eager quest for 5 stations, Warners' for 2. And both Fox and Warner working with RCA on large-screen theater TV (Vol. 4, No. 26). Here are some of latest moves in the current wooing of "the whispers and the shadows" : 1. Fox Movietone News Joined with United Press this week to make available to TV stations daily news-plus-newsreel coverage, backed by film library to document current UP dispatches. It's another evidence of Skouras determination to "join 'em if you can't lick 'em" and tacitly recognizes TV's inevitable trend toward "Every Home a Newsreel Theater" (Vol. 3, No. 44). Last January, Fox made daily 10mlnute Movietone available for Camel-sponsored NBC telecasts (Vol. 4, No. 5), deal creating quite a stir in film field. 2. President Spyros Skouras implemented plans to go even more deeply into TV syndication field (Vol. 4, No. 27) by promoting 20th Century-Fox’s radio manager Copyright 10-13 by R.rdlo News Bureau