Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1952)

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Index to Television Digest, 1952: Volume 8 References are grouped into three major categories: General (pages 1-5), Manufacturers & Merchandisers (pages 5-6), Supplements (page 1). Index attempts to cover only items considered to be of more than passing interest. Reference numbers following each item designate issue and page of Newsletter in which item appeared. General ADVERTISING , . „ Brach drops TV because of "triple spotting. 1:12 top agencies in 1951, 3:6 'Life' ranks top media, 4 :9, 31 :10 newspapers vs. TV rivalry, 4:13 Publishers Information Bureau reports networK billings, 4:14, 11:12, 14:16, 17:7, 21:6, 25:14. 30:7, 35:10, 39:7, 43:14, 49:9, 52:5 TV-radio set newspaper lineage, 7:12, 21:9, 31:7 no TV in military recruiting budget, 8:6 "Com-muter” commercial eliminator, 8:6 program tax proposed in New York, 9 :10 summer time sales, 10:10, 11:6, 21:7 NRDGA says TV effectiveness unproved, 11:12 ‘Tide’ analyzes shared sponsorships, 12:6 softening sponsorships, 12:7 CBS says cost-per-1000 down, 14:8 FTC "questionable commercials," 14:9 "Celanese Theatre" dropped, 25:6 AAAA officers, 14:16 top TV advertisers, 22:4 TV station-break standards, 23:7, 25:5 CBS-TV’s Fred Thrower on TV growth, 24:10 best-remembered commercials, 28:10 $400,000,000 TV time sales in 1952 predicted. 30:1 ‘Printers’ Ink’ study of 1951 media totals, 32:8 AAAA lauds 2% cash discount, 33:5 Gallup & Robinson analyze commercials, 34:6 PIB compares media totals for year, 36:10 single rate structure, 44:6 J. Walter Thompson billing more TV-radio than magazine, 46:5 NBC tests commercials, 46:7 MAG claims network TV sponsorship down, 52:5 ALLOCATIONS (see also UBF) Sen. Johnson predicts Denver TV by October, 2:1 proposed deletion of Hawaiian channels, 3:12, 9:7 Senators impatient about freeze, 9 :3 satellites and boosters, 8:12, 10:10, 29:4, 46:8, 50:6 FCC ends freeze, 15:1 reactions to freeze-end, 16:1 Channel 4 in Pittsburgh area, 17:2, 33:1, 35:3, 43:3 applications needn’t include population count, 17:2 petitions for changes in final decision, 18:2, 20:12, 22:5, 39:4 Pittsburgh court appeal, 19:3 Sen. Johnson endorses plan, 19:3 T. A. M. Craven evaluates decision, 20:2 Comr. Jones attacks plan, 21:4 WLOA, Braddock, proposal for Channel 4, 23:2 Channel 14 added to Palm Springs, 23:3 Comr. Sterling defends plan, 24:1 court appeals for 4 cities, 24 :1 Comr. Hyde justifies plan, 26:2, 35:4 U. S. -Canadian border plan final, 29:10 San Francisco court appeal, 32:2, 43:3 status of channel shifts, 36:2, 89:8, 42:14, 46:12, 47:4 zone-border decision, 86:3 allocation defended in WCAE decision, 36:3 decision on WGAL-TV shift, 38:6 overlap problems, 38:6, 44:2 Nashville Channel 5 decision, 38:6 Zone III modified, 39:3 coverage evidence optional, 41 :2 Zenith claims on Chicago Channel 2, 44:6, 49:16 Logansport appeal, 46:3 Macon Channel 13 problem, 49:2, 60:7 court favors WGAL-TV Bhift, 51 :2 dates for power increases estimated, 62:7 AM (Standard) BROADCASTING (see also specific networks and Advertising) WGST, Atlanta, financial status, 2:12 ‘Broadcasting’ estimates 1951 industry gross, 4 :9 joint network committee estimates total sets, 5:12 BAB report on 6 top TV cities, 6:6 Admiral switches to AM show, 7:7 FCC attitude on AMs seeking TV, 13:2, 26:1, 37:3, 49:2, 60:12 Comr. Walker boosts AM, 14:6 station sales, 16:4, 26:4, 27:10, 29:10, 34:12, 36:10, 40:14, 42:14, 48:7, 49:7 FCC report on 1951 income, 16:5, 40:14 network rate-cuts, 19:6, 22:4, 27:2, 33:6, 34:7, 3G:4, 37:12, 40:14 LBS discontinues operations, 20 :7, 21 :12 addition of 540 kc, 25:7, 43:14 mid-year AM-FM-TV station totals, 27 :3 BAB auto radio survey, 27:10, 31:10, 47:6 NBC study of effectiveness, 33 :6 first commercial commemorated, 36:10 ‘Sponsor’ sees no spot rate cuts, 39 :7 ‘Fortune’ article on WNEW, 40:4 Cott sees 700 stations folding, 42:8 billings up, 43:7 WJR, Detroit, financial reports, 43:13 rate of new CPs high, 43:14 single rate structure, 44 :6 New York City’s WNYC threatened with elimination, 48:8 Conelrad plan, 49:10 AMERICAN BROADCASTING CO. (ABC) rate increases, 1:12, 8:12 studio expansion, 2:4 asks 5-station limit be lifted, 5 :4 financial reports, 8:11, 12:15, 20:10, 34:12, 41:6 Kintner’s figures on TV film, 12:15 salaries, 13:11 Kintner reports on TV business, 15:20 seeks action on UPT merger, 20:12 FCC indicates merger favored, 28:3, 29:10, 31:3, 34:5, 39:8, 40:9 initial decision on merger, 46:1, 49:16 complains about network facilities, 48:5 oral argument on merger, 50:12 sued for libel by ‘New York Post’, 51:11 ANTENNAS, TRANSMITTING — see Equipment, Telecasting ANTI-TRUST WSAY accuses ABC of monopoly, 4:8 NCAA football. 6:12, 15:20, 20:12, 21:5 Justice Dept, sweeping probe of industry. 7 :4, 9:1, 11:3, 12:15, 14:11, 15:12, 16:10, 18:12, 25:13, 34:10, 36:9, 43:13, 44:11, 49:14 Monarch-Saphin suit against distributors, 9:13 suit against boxing promoters. 10:6, 12:16 indictments of parts distributors, 14:11 Justice Dept, subpoenas ‘Kansas City Star’ records, 25:13 Directories Semi-Annual TV Factbooks of Jan. 15 and July 15; with weekly Addenda reporting current FCC grants, applications, new stations on air, etc. Annual AM-FM Directory of Jan. 1; with weekly Addenda reporting current FCC decisions, applications, etc. Listings of all AM-FM stations by states and frequencies, all applications by states and frequencies, call letter lists, etc. (Includes other North American stations.) The Final Television Allocation Report Full text of end-of-freeze "Sixth Report and Order” of the FCC (52-294), adopted April 14, making possible grants of new stations after July 1. Includes new VHF-UHF assignments by states and cities and rules governing stations, with full texts of separate opinions of Comrs. Webster, Hennock and Jones. (Vol. 8:16). Numbered Supplements No. 77 : Subpoenas Served on RTMA and various TV-radio manufacturers in anti-trust probe. Full text, indicating scope of Grand Jury inquiry instituted by Dept, of Justice. (Vol. 8:9.) No. 78: VHF Allocations by Channels. Including final assignments for the 30 existing stations due to be shifted. (Vol. 8:17.) No. 79: Community Television Antenna Systems. Projects operating, under construction or in planning stage. (Vol. 8:19.) Justice Dept, suit against movies re 16mm film, 30:4, 31:5, 32:5, 34:10, 36:6, 39:5 APPLICATIONS FOR NEW TV STATIONS (see also UHF) first cities on processing line, 18:1 reasons for slow filing rate, 18:2, 22:1 priority list issued, 21:1, 22:1 petitions for change in priorities, 23:2, 26:1, 37-3 Zenith protests WBKB shift, transfer, 23:2, 24:12 difficulties in getting postoffice coordinates, 23:10 joint AM filings, 26:1, 37:3, 50:12 influx of applications begins, 26:1, 27:1 first CPs issued, 28:1 Herold articles on station planning, 16:1, 28:2 VIPs among applicants, 28:4, 29:10, 39:6 theatre interests filing, 29:5 first hearings set, 32:1 youngsters plan shoestring station, 37:12 plan to speed processing, 38:3, 40:2 Providence group advertises for investors, 38:12. 49:8 250 applications uncontested, 40:2 coverage evidence optional, 41:2 depositions, stipulations, limited issues, 42:5 hearing dropouts, 42:5, 51:11 power-height increases, 45:3, 48:2, 51:12 KOIN amendment, 47:10, 50:7, 61:8 split decision on joint AMs, 49 :2 engineering in Flint hearing, 49:2 FCC attacked for processing “delays”, 49:11 plans of WNYC attacked, 52:6 ASCAP — see Music Agencies CENSUS, TV RECEIVER NBC Research, city-by-city, 5:12, 9:16, 13:12, 17:12, 22:12, 26:14, 30:12, 34:12, 39:14, 44:12, 49:16, 52:12 Nielsen, 47:10 COLOR (see also CBS, RCA) Sen. Johnson dubious about NPA ban, 2:12 NPA-industry conference, 3:3, 4:5, 4:11, 5:7, 6:2, 7:4, 8:4, 12:15 Eidophor, 3:4, 5:7, 6:12, 21:11, 33:5 FCC buys signal generator, 3:6 NTSC field tests, 6:7, 6:8 Coy attacks industry, 5 :7 ‘Fortune’ on color lobbying, 6:8 No. 80 : Maximum Powers with Various Heights and service contours in miles. Prepared by CBS Engineering Dept on basis of new FCC rules & regulations governing TV stations. (Vol. 8:20.) No. 81 : City-by-City Priorities for processing of applications for new TV stations. Indicates order in which FCC is handling applications. (Vol. 8 :2L) No. 81-A: Priorities by State-and-City. Geographical breakdown of cities listed in FCC’s application processing schedule. (Vol. 8:22.) Special Supplements and Reports What’s Ahead In Business. Full text of address delivered by Crosley Broadcasting Corp. chairman James D. Shouse before NARTB convention in Chicago April 1. (Vol. 8 :14.) “TV Station Operating Costs” — Reprint from March-April edition of ‘Broadcast News,’ published by RCA Engineering Products Dept. (Vol. 8:16.) NPA Modifies Ban on Color TV Production. Full text of June 24 amended order M-90. (Vol. 8:26.) “Considerations in the Early Planning of TV Stations” — Reprint from May-June edition of ‘Broadcast News’, published by RCA Engineering Dept. (Vol. 8 :28.) "The Low State of TV” — Reprint from October 19 ‘New York Times’. (Vol. 8:43.) The 92 Post-Freeze New Station Grants to Date with their possible starting dates. (VoL 8:44.) Supplements and Special Reports Published During 1952 References are to Issues of Television Digest with articles pertaining to documents 1