Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1953)

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9 Topics & Trends of TV Trade: Recent community antenna developments, reported by Jerrold president Milton Shapp in press conference at Chicago parts show this week: Williamsport, Pa. system, operated by Jerrold and financed by J. H. Whitney investment organization, now has 1346 subscribers; Fairmont, W. Va. system, also combined JerroldWhitney operation, began May 18. And there are other recentlycompleted systems in T rinidad, Colo. ; Ft. Madison, la.; Burlington, Montpelier & Springfield, Vt.; Clarksburg, W. Va. Soon to be completed are hookups in Ventnor, N. J.; Charlottesville, Va.; Walla Walla, Wash.; Guelph, Ont., Canada. Jerrold also introduced new $250 uhf converter (Model 503HU) for community antenna systems. It’s divided into 2 units— a converter-mixer head pre-set to desired uhf channels, mounting at antenna top, and crystal-controlled oscillator unit which may be placed anywhere in building. * # # # Philco claims its convention in Atlantic City, June 7-10, bringing together all distributors plus some 7500 dealers, will be biggest convention ever held by a single company. Distributors from 10 foreign countries, some 65 in number, will also attend — Canada, England, Italy, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Philco International pres. Sydney Capell says tremendous interest is being shown in Central and South America in American-made T Vs, with their 19 operating and 17 upcoming stations on tap in Latin Ame rica. Even the European market is building up, he said, with telecasts expected next year in Spain, and with Switzerland and Holland expected to follow. Strike threat against RCA Victor disappeared this week when 7200 Camdenplant employes voted to accept 6-to-30£ hourly wage increases. Some 5300 employes at RCA plants in Cincinnati, Los Angeles & Moorestown, N. J. are expected to follow suit. On another labor front. Federal mediation was begun in 7-week strike at GE’s 2 electronics plants in Syracuse, while walkout at GE’s Scranton tube plant went through 6th week, with no settlement in sight. Distributor Notes: RCA Victor Distributing Corp. transfers Buffalo gen. mgr. Earl Hart to similar post in Kansas City. . .Southern Equipment Co. (Philco), San Antonio, elects E. E. Edge president; L. A. Fulenwilder Jr. replaces Edge as sales mgr. . .Greber Distributors Inc. (Motorola), Baltimore, announces resignation of v.p. Joseph Greber, who’ll form own distributorship in Washington. . .DuMont appoints Yaou Radio Mfg. Co., Tokyo, in further expansion into export market; names Central Distributing Co., Billings, Mont. (Robert Williams, pres.). . .Raytheon names Union Supply Co., Davenport, la. . .Crosley Atlanta promotes George H. B rodnax to sales mgr., replacing Foster Davis, resigned. . .Olympic appoints Milmar Inc., Cleveland; Eagle Distributors Inc., Denver; Southwestern Distributors Inc., Kansas City; Russell Distributing Co., St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mid-American Auto Parts, Peoria, 111. . . Trav-Ler announces resignation of Joseph Rembaum as gen. mgr. of Boston factory branch. Vice Admiral Carl F. Holden, 58, U.S.N. ret., president of Federal Telecommunications Laboratories Inc. (IT& T), died May 18 in Naval Hospital, St. Albans, Queens, N.Y. WISCONSIN’S Gov. Kohler applied this week for Milwaukee’s non-commercial Ch. 10, fulfilling promise to compete with applicant Milwaukee Board of Vocational & Adult Education (Vol. 9:20) — and thereby posed fundamental problem of whether state or community agency should have priority in applying for educational channels. Accompanying the application was letter from Kohler declaring that state, not subdivision thereof, should be dominant. Kohler was supported by Wisconsin attorney general Vernon W. Thomson, who wrote FCC that “pendency of application of Milwaukee Board and State of Wisconsin for the same channel is incompatible,” opined state’s application “takes precedence.” Educational TV leaders admit they’ve taken no formal position on legal issue involved — mainly because question has never arisen before. Some say privately question differs in each state, depending on powers of State Commissioner of Education. Gesture of conciliation in Milwaukee came day after Kohler’s application, when William F. Rasche, Milwaukee Vocational Board director, wrote Kohler asking his help in obtaining CP for Milwaukee Board. In exchange, Rasche wrote, he would give station to state for incorporation in proposed statewide network when latter is established. On more harmonious level this week, Dr. Milton Eisenhower , president of Penn State College and outspoken advocate of educational TV (Vol. 8:46), told Pennsylvania Assn, of Broadcasters convention that commercial and educational TV could and should be complementary. He praised NARTB’s position of not opposing educational TV (Vol. 9:19), said educational TV will add to total set ownership, “thus paving the way for a highly desirable addition to the commercial audience." Trade Personals: Donald H. Kunsman elected v.p. of RCA Service Co. in charge of consumer products service div.; Gerald W. Pfister. mgr. of field administration, elected treas. & controller. . .E. C . Buurma resigns as asst, to E. H. Cahill. RCA Service Co. president, to join National Adv. Co., Waukesha, Wis., affiliated with Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. . . .Robert Baggs resigns as asst, to RCA Victor consumer products v.p. to join RCA distributor in New Orleans; he’s succeeded by Louis J. Collins. ex-Capehart-Farnsworth. . . Bruce L. Birchard, exZenith, joins Hoffman Radio as mgr. of patent dept., and Burt Dorris appointed to newly created post of western sales mgr. . . .Dr. C. S. Szegho. Rauland research director, named v.p. in charge of research. . .AT Friedman. Olympic Radio sales v.p., elected director. . .Len Cohen, ex-Jewel Radio, named De Wald sales mgr . succeeding Burt Joel, resigned. . . Elmer B, Freeman, ex-Reliance Distributors, Syracuse, named Admiral New England sales mgr., replacing I. R. Hughes, now Capehart Fort Wayne mgr.; Tohn G. McDevitt. ex-Crosley, named Admiral Kansas City mgr., succeeding Charles F. Gill, now Washington mgr. Rear Adm. Joseph R. Redman (ret.), Western Union v.p. and World War II director of naval communications, elected pre sident, Armed Forces Communications Assn. Vice presidents are AT&T’s Vernon B. Bagnall and the communications chiefs of the 3 armed services — Rear Adm. Wm. B. Ammon (Navy), Maj. Gen. George I. Back (Signal Corps), Brig. Gen. Gordon A. Blake (USAF).