Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1953)

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GENERAL ELECTRIC reports order for 20-kw transmitter for newly authorized WPRO-TV, Providence (Ch. 12), due for Dec. shipment. GE this week also reported order for uhf transmitters from KTVU, Stockton, Cal. (Ch. 36), a 1-kw to be shipped this month and 12-kw in latter Oct., and from KNAL-TV, Victoria, Tex. (Ch. 19), 1-kw for March 1954 delivery. This week, also, 100watt transmitter went to KTVE, Longview, Tex. (Ch. 32), to be followed by 1-kw Sept. 22; 1-kw to WPFA-TV, Pensacola, Fla. (Ch. 15), which already has 100-watt; 100-watt to KCOK-TV, Tulare, Cal. (Ch. 27), to be followed by 12-kw Sept. 28. In addition, GE reports 1-kw going Sept. 28 to WMAC-TV, Massillon, 0. (Ch. 23) ; 1-kw week of Oct. 5 to KQTV, Fort Dodge, la. (Ch. 21). DuMont reported that delayed shipments to timesharing KOY-TV & KOOL-TV, Phoenix (Ch. 10), would go out this week end or Sept. 14, and to KNUZ-TV, Houston (Ch. 39), on or before Sept. 19. In addition, it got new order for 5-kw from KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska (Ch. 11), for shipment before end of Sept. RCA reported only one new-station shipment this week — to WWOR-TV, Worcester, Mass. (Ch. 14). * * * * In our continuing survey of upcoming new stations, these were the reports received this week: KID-TV, Idaho Falls, Ida. (Ch. 3), granted last Feb. but delayed by transmitter site problems, is locating atop East Twin Butte, 32 mi. west of Idaho Falls, where av. height of 1600 ft. should give it Grade A coverage not only of that city but of Pocatello and 200,000 pop., reports mgr. C. N. Layne. It has purchased old KSL-TV 5-kw GE transmitter which will be used to drive RCA 25-kw amplifier into 6-bay antenna. Construction is now under way, with target date for test patterns Dec. 1. No rep yet chosen. WEAR-TV, Pensacola, Fla. (Ch. 3), is still awaiting aeronautical clearance for proposed 680-ft. tower, expects it momentarily and should be on air within 60 days thereafter, reports gen. mgr. Mel Wheeler, who is also gen. mgr. of upcoming new WJDM, Panama City, Fla. (Ch. 7). RCA equipment is on order. Hollingbery will be rep. Carolina Television Co., holding CP for Ch. 4 in Greenville, S. C. (call letters not yet assigned), has ordered RCA equipment, expects to have construction completed by Nov. 1, has set Dec. 15 as target date, reports pres. Alester G. Furman Jr. Weed will be rep. KFBB-TV, Great Falls, Mont. (Ch. 5), aiming to get on air before winter, now figures on Dec. 1 start, though DuMont transmitter must yet be delivered. It’s controlled (58.8%) by Joseph P. Wilkins, with Fairmount Corp., Anaconda subsidiary and publisher of chain of state newspapers, as 23.8% stockholder. It will join CBS. Weed will be rep. KOIN-TV, Portland, Ore. (Ch. 6), its 5-kw GE transmitter delivered and 35-kw amplifier due to be received this week, and its 271-ft. tower erected and antenna mounted, should be ready for test patterns by end of Sept., reports C. Howard Lane, managing director. Commercial target date is Oct. 15, with base rate of $500. Ted W. Cooke is program director, Louis Bookwalter, chief engineer. Station is owned by Ted Gamble-Howard LaneHarry Buckendahl group, but half interest will be acquired by Portland Oregonian after sale of its radio KGW (Vol. 9:36). Avery-Knodel will be rep. KCEN-TV, Temple, Tex. (Ch. 6), with RCA transmitter and 833-ft. Ideco tower halfway between Temple and Waco, and with transmitter building completed and tower now under construction, has “firmed” target date for Nov. 1, reports Frank W. Mayborn, pres., who also publishes Temple Telegram. He adds he expects to get test pattern on air before that date, however. Station 6 will start as NBC interconnected with $200 base rate, he states. Burton Bishop is asst, to pres.; Harry Stone, gen. mgr.; W. O. Crusinberry, chief engineer; W. G. Egerton, engineer consultant. Hollingbery will be rep. WJDM, Panama City, Fla. (Ch. 7), has RCA equipment, should be ready by Oct. 15, reports gen. mgr. Mel Wheeler, who states that George Blackwell will be station mgr., and Jim Smith chief engineer. Mr. Wheeler also is in charge of upcoming WEAR-TV, Pensacola (Ch. 3), of which Mr. Smith will also be chief engineer. Hollingbery will be rep. KATV, Pine Bluff, Ark. (Ch. 7), with GE equipment delivered, plans test patterns about Nov. 20, has published rate card fixing $300 rate, reports gen. mgr. James P. Walker. Ownership is interlocking with Griffin TV-radio interests of Tulsa and Oklahoma City (KTUL & KOMA). Rep is Avery-Knodel. KWIK-TV, Pocatello, Ida. (Ch. 10), will utilize composite equipment, starts work on transmitter and studio building within a month, aims to get started by mid-Feb. 1954, reports gen. mgr. Charles Crabtree. Frank C. Carman and Grant Wrathall are part owners (12%% each). Hollingbery will be rep. WPRO-TV, Providence, R. I. (Ch. 12), has ordered GE equipment, will proceed with construction as “fast as possible,” hopes to get on air “within a couple of months,” says Arnold F. Schoen Jr., mgr. of WPRO, radio station operated by big Cherry & Webb dept, store, grantee. Blair, recently appointed for radio, will probably be TV rep, Mr. Schoen stated. WIBW-TV, Topeka, Kan. (Ch. 13) has ordered RCA equipment and 905-ft. Lehigh tower, has already set up its camera chain at current Kansas Free Fair for closedcircuit telecasts, and should make Nov. 15 target, reports gen. mgr. Ben Ludy. Art Holbrook has been named TV mgr., with Lewis Dickensheets as chief engineer. Base rate will be $300. Capper Publications Inc. will be TV rep, as it is for the AM. KEPO-TV, El Paso, Tex. (Ch. 13) has secured extension of CP to Dec. 23, 1953 and pres. -gen. mgr. Miller C. Robertson reports “original T-Date has been junked and no new one set.” He explains it’s due to fact that ABC has only 5 half-hour programs for El Paso, hasn’t yet submitted 1953-54 schedule. “When ABC provides us with adequate program service,” he states, “we will set a T-Date and turn the crank rapidly.” City already has 2 stations, both vhf. Avery-Knodel will be rep. WPFA-TV, Pensacola, Fla. (Ch. 15) gets GE equipment this week, has Trilsch tower all ready, is due to turn on test juice in about 2 weeks, plans Sept. 27 commercial debut carrying CBS & DuMont. Base rate is $150, reports v.p. & gen. mgr. F. E. Busby. Station is a Charles Lamar-Tom Gibbens enterprise (also WAFB-TV, Baton Rouge). Max Anderson is program mgr., N. V. Pieler is chief engineer. Rep is Adam Young. KTAG-TV, Lake Charles, La. (Ch. 25), with GE equipment due this month and Trilsch tower up, is scheduled to go on air Oct. 15, reports exec. v.p. Warren Berwick, and has signed a primary agreement with CBS and interim agreements with ABC & DuMont. Ownership interlocks with WAFB-TV, Baton Rouge (Ch. 28), operating since last April. Base rate will be $150, rep Adam Young. KANG-TV, Waco, Tex. (Ch. 34) has moved up test target to October, reports owner Clyde Weatherby. It will use first transmitter turned out by Continental Electronics Mfg. Co., Dallas (Vol. 9:24) but completion was delayed due to change of site. Rep will be H-R Television. KCCC-TV, Sacramento, Cal. (Ch. 40), aiming to be first on air in that state capital, has RCA equipment now going in, 510-ft. Stainless tower up, and will have test patterns between Sept. 20-26, reports half-owner Ashley