Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1953)

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4 Blaw-Knox tower with 6-bay RCA antenna and transmitter give it maximum 100 kw ERP from start. It affiliates immediately with CBS & DuMont. Like radio counterpart, TV is controlled by LeRoy Mark estate, with Wm. B. Dolph as executive officer and part owner; he’s mgr. of Fulton Lewis Jr., has interests in various radio stations. Mgr. is Wm. B. Quart on, with Douglas B. Grant as program director; Lew Van Nostrand, sales mgr.; Buzz Hassett, TV sales director; George Hixenbaugh, chief engineer. Base rate is $300. Rep is Katz. WROL-TV, Knoxville, Tenn. (Ch. 6) , area's first station, began testing Sept. 24 and goes commercial with start of World Series. It got on air just about month after delivery of 2-kw RCA transmitter, is telecasting from temporary antenna atop old FM tower on Sharp's Ridge, plans new tower with 12-bay antenna later. Integrated operation with radio is planned at outset by owner Paul Mountcastle, with veteran W.H. Linebaugh as exec, v.p.-gen. mgr. ; John Reese, program director; Fred Andrews, chief engineer. Networks are NBC & ABC. Base rate is $250. Rep is Avery-Knodel. KGGM-TV, Albuquerque, N.M. (Ch. 13), first competition for pre-freeze KOB-TV which is now half-owned (with Time Inc.) and managed by ex-FCC chairman Wayne Coy, went on air with first intermittent test patterns Sept. 24 from RCA transmitter on 10,833-ft. Sandia Crest. Commercial debut date is Sept. 30. A. A. Hebenstreit. who owns local CBS outlet KGGM and Santa Fe's KVSF, is pres. & gen. mgr. ; Leonard Dodds, chief engineer; E. Jonny Graff, commercial mgr.; BobVanDriel, program director; Ed Sanchez, production mgr. U.S. Senator Clinton P. Anderson (D-N.M. ) , ex-Secretary of Agriculture, will be a stockholder. Network is CBS. Base rate is $250. Rep is Weed. WJBF-TV, Augusta, Ga. (Ch. 6) went on air with first test patterns Sept. 22, just 6 days after grant — a record. Veteran broadcaster Joseph B. Fuqua had placed order for 500-watt interim DuMont transmitter before Sept. 16 grant, and it was sent out that day. STA was issued Sept. 18, and 4 days later station started daily test patterns 3-6 p.m. from temporary cross-dipole rigged atop old Colonial mansion on a 300-ft. eminence above city that's used as transmitter house, where 500-ft. Blaw-Knox soon will go up. Fuqua reports he's in no hurry to go on commercial schedule, though area now gets only fringe service from Atlanta & Charlotte, each about 150 mi. He may hold off commercial debut until AT&T interconnects station with ABC & NBC, maybe by mid-Nov.; it's on Charlotte-Jacksonville coaxial route. New 40x60x20-ft. studio building is under construction. J.H. Manning, local airport mgr., new to TV-radio, will be gen. mgr. ; Steve Maderson & Thomas J. Hennesy, from AM, commercial & program mgrs. ; John Jopling, chief engineer. No rate card yet. Hollingbery will be rep. KRDO-TV, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Ch. 13), controlled by Joseph H. Rohrer, second vhf in city (KKTV on Ch. 11 having started last Dec. 8), finally got first signals on air Sept. 21 after many delays since first promised for last spring and since delivery of 2-kw RCA transmitter in July. It will be NBC outlet, has not yet released rate card, though $125 base was set last June. Owner is Joseph Rohrer, with Harry Hoth as commercial mgr. ; Jean Gitz, program mgr. ; Robert Fitzmorris, production mgr. ; Herbert Schubarth, chief engineer. Rep is McGillvra. KJEO, Fresno, Cal. (Ch. 47), second uhf in that San Joaquin Valley capital, turned on test juice Sept. 20, is now running patterns 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, formally dedicates Oct. 1 with Gov. Warren as guest, then on Oct. 2 goes on commercial schedule of 3 p.m. -midnight daily. First reports from station indicate clear picture in 6-county area. Equipment is RCA throughout. This is the project sparked by ex-pres. of American Automobile Assn. J.E. O'Neill, heading local ownership group. Charles Theodore, ex-KTLA, is operations director; Joe Drilling, business mgr. ; G.L. Engstrom, information dir. Network is ABC. Base rate is $250. Rep is Hollingbery. ONE CP, FCC STATES SHARE-TIME POLICY: Only one grant this week, to KVAN, Vancouver, Wash. (Ch. 12), controlled by publisher-broadcaster Sheldon F. Sackett. FCC picked KVAN over KGON because former applied for Vancouver rather than Portland, Ore., and all other stations built or contemplated in area picked Portland as home base. Decision satisfies "equitable distribution" clause of Communications Act, FCC said. More CPs are in the making, however, through dropouts and mergers. In Philadelphia, for example, Lou Poller pulled out, leaving Daily News' WIBG free for