Television digest with electronics reports (Jan-Dec 1953)

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MARTIN COREL’S AUTHORITATIVE NEWS SERVICE FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE VISUAL BROADCASTING AND ALLIED ELECTRONICS ARTS AND INDUSTRY PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY RADIO NEWS BUREAU • WYATT BLOG. • WASHINGTON 5, D.C. • TELEPHONE STERLING 3-1755 • VOL. 9: No. 5 0 R F r p™ 1$ H V i; i.. L \i Li lJ I [BRUY « 1953 9 More Start Testing, Canada Adds One, page 7 In this ) The Blue Chip Business of Telecasting, page 2 l HSU 0. I Color Still 'imminent'; CBS & NBC Plans, page 3 FCC Grants 6, Leery of Buffalo Deal, page 4 December 12, 1953 May Raise Ownership Limit to Grant UHFs, page 5 Antennas Blown Down; Upcoming Stations, page 7 Trade Marks Time, Gearing for Color, page 8 UHF-Equipped Sets Now 30% of Output, page 9 9 MORE START TESTING, CANADA ADDS ONE: Opening new TV areas mainly, 9 more stations went on air this week (5 of them vhf) along with another in Canada — making total of 341 now in regular operation or on the air with test patterns, 223 vhf, 118 uhf. That makes 216 starters so far this year, 132 in the 154 days since Aug. 1 when we predicted one-a-day for rest of year — still a good prediction. This week's: KWTV, Oklahoma City (Ch. 9), first vhf competitor of Daily Oklahoman's prefreeze WKY-TV (Ch. 4), was all ready to start testing Sat. Dec. 12 with RCA 10-kw transmitter telecasting from 6-bay antenna atop temporary 340-ft. Andrews tower pending construction of super-dooper 1572-ft. Ideco tower starting in Jan. Backed by John T. Griffin radio interests, oilmen Roy H. Turner (ex-Gov. of Okla. ) and F. E. Harper, theatreman Henry S. Griffing, station is managed by ex-Oklahoman executive Edgar T. Bell, who owns all its Class B stock. Sales mgr. is Fred L. Vance, and chief engineer is Morris L. Thomas. It joins CBS-TV as basic outlet Dec. 20 when regular programming begins. Base rate is $465. Rep is Avery-Knodel. WWTV, Cadillac, Mich. (Ch. 13), opening up entirely new TV area more than 100 mi. from nearest other stations, put first test signals on air Dec. 11 and v.p.gen. mgr. Lee T. Matthews wired: "Dealers reported generally excellent reception throughout predicted Grade A and Grade B coverage areas and usable picture from as far as 120 mi. away along the northeastern portion of the Michigan Lower Peninsula." Federal-equipped, station is owned by Sparks-Withington Co. , Jackson, Mich. , TVradio manufacturer. It uses temporary 450-ft. tower pending 1200-ft. planned next spring. It becomes a primary affiliate of CBS, also will get ABC & DuMont programs. Regular programs start about Jan. 1. Base rate is $200. Rep is Weed. WSTV-TV, Steubenville, 0. (Ch. 9), just 35 mi. due west of Pittsburgh and only 50 mi. south of Youngstown, began first test patterns Dec. 10, starts programs (CBS affiliation) Dec. 24. It's owned by group headed by exec. v.p. John J. Laux, which controls WFPG-TV, Atlantic City. It's RCA equipped with 12-section superturnstile atop 800-ft. tower. Base rate is $400. Rep is Avery-Knodel. WNAM-TV, Neenah, Wis. (Ch. 42), on the shores of Lake Winnebago just 11 mi. north of Oshkosh, where uhf was opened up by WOSH-TV (Ch. 48) in June, began test patterns night of Dec. 10 and gen. mgr. Don C. Wirth wires: "Terrific response from viewers and dealers in Green Bay, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh and dealers in tri-city area of Neenah-Appleton and Menasha report solid signal in all locations." Station owner is Samuel N. Pickard, banker and paper mill owner. Station mgr. is Louis W. Pozgay, chief engineer Harry W. Hill. "We are having no trouble selling time here," states Wirth, "and we look to break-even point within 30 days after we are on the air." Equipment is RCA. Base rate is $150. Rep is George W. Clarke Inc. KFYR-TV, Bismarck, N.D. (Ch. 5), opening up brand new TV area in south cen-f tral section of state, began test patterns Dec. 8 with RCA 10-kw transmitter and temporary 20-ft. single-bay antenna mounted atop 240-ft. State Capitol on edge of town, pending completion of new 12-bay superturnstile to go on 500-ft. Truscon tower COPYRIGHT IRBS BY RADIO NEWS BUREAU