That marvel - the movie : a glance at its reckless past, its promising present, and its significant future (1923)

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WHAT KIND OF A MAX? 123 as we realized despairingly in 1914. has failed to save civilization from its recurrent attempts at suicide. Men read and talked, and, then, as had their illiterate progenitors, grasped their weapons and went to fighting. Neither from books nor from debates has mankind in the mass gTasped that enlightenment which often comes to individuals but which is not sufficiently wide-spread and compelling to defend the race from constant reversions to brutish manifestations. And now comes visualization — in movie theatres, in newspapers, in schools, colleges, churches — to mould, for good or evil, the plastic soul of Man. What will the harvest be? Who can say? Francis Bacon asserted that "reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man." Something more, as the centuries have proved, is necessary to make the human race what it should be. Is it not barely possible that some Bacon of the future will exultingly exclaim: "The screen maketh a civilized man!"?