Theory of film : the redemption of physical reality (1960)

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340 BIBLIOGRAPHY Barbaro, Umberto, "Le cinema sans acteurs," in Le Role intellectuel du cinema, Paris, 1937, pp. 225-34. [Published by the Institut de Cooperation Intellectuelle, Societe des Nations.] Bardeche, Maurice, and Brasillach, Robert, The History of Motion Pictures, New York, 1938. Translated and edited by Iris Barry. Barjavel, Rene, Cinema total: Essai sur les formes futures du cinema, Paris, 1944. Barry, Iris, Film Notes-Part I: The Silent Film, New York, 1949. [Bulletin of The Museum of Modern Art, vol. XVI, nos. 2-3.] , 'The Film of Fact," Town & Country (New York, Sept. 1946), vol. 100, no. 4288:142, 253-4, 256. Benjamin, Walter, "L'oeuvre d'art a l'epoque de sa reproduction mecanisee," Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung (Paris, 1936), vol. V, no. 1:40-68. , "Ueber einige Motive bei Baudelaire," Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung (Paris, 1939), vol. VIII, no. 1/2:50-91. Berge, Francois, and Andre, "Interview de Blaise Cendrars sur le cinema," in Cinema, Paris, 1925, pp. 138-42. [Les cahiers du mois, 16/17.] Bessy, Maurice, and Duca, Lo, Louis Lumiere, inventeur, Paris, 1948. Beucler, Andre, "L'homme cinema," La Revue du cinema (Paris, Nov. 1, 1930), vol. 2, no. 16:14-20. Blitzstein, Marc: statement in "Music in Films: A Symposium of Composers," films (New York, Winter 1940), vol. I, no. 4. Bluestone, George, Novels into Film, Baltimore, 1957. , "An Interview with Federico Fellini," Film Culture (New York, Oct. 1957), vol. Ill, no. 3:3-4,21. Bolen, Francis, "Films and the Visual Arts," in Bolen, ed., Films on Art: Panorama 1953, Paris, 1953. [See also the French edition of this UNESCO publication, pp. 5-10.] Brunius, B. Jacques, "Experimental Film in France," in Roger Manvell, ed., Experiment in the Film, London, 1949, pp. 60-112. Caillois, Roland, "Le cinema, le meurtre et la tragedie," Revue Internationale de filmologie (Paris), vol. II, no. 5:187-91. Cavalcanti, Alberto, "Comedies and Cartoons," in Charles Davy, ed., Footnotes to the Film, London, 1937, pp. 71-86. , "Sound in Films," films (New York, Nov. 1939), vol. 1, no. 1:25-39. Caveing, Maurice, "Dialectique du concept du cinema," Revue international de filmologie (Paris), vol. I, July-Aug. 1947, no. 1:71-8, and Oct. 1948, nos. 3-4:343-50. Cellini, Bcnvenuto, The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, New York, 1927. [The Modern Library.] Chaperot, Georges, "Henri Chomette: Le poeme d'images et le film parle," La Revue du cinema (Paris, Aug. 1, 1930), vol. 2, no. 13:26-36. Charensol, Georges, "Le cinema parlant," in Marcel L'Herbier, ed., Intelligence du cinematographe, Paris, 1946, pp. 169-71. [First published in 1935.] Chavance, Louis, "Les conditions d'existencc du cinema muet," ibid. pp. 141-4. [First published in 1929.]