Theory of film : the redemption of physical reality (1960)

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 341 Chiaromonte, Nicola, "a note on the movies/' instead (New York, June 1948), no. 4. . , "Rome Letter: Italian Movies," Partisan Review (New York, June 1949), vol. XVI, no. 6:621-30. Clair, Rene, Reflexion faite: Notes pour servir a Vhistoire de Vart cinemato graphique de 1920 a 1950, Paris, 1951. , "Le cinematographe contre 1'esprit," in Marcel Lapierre, ed., Antho logie du cinema, Paris, 1946, pp. 175—82. [Lecture given in 1927.] Cocteau, Jean, The Blood of a Poet: A Film by Jean Cocteau, New York, 1949. Translated from the French by Lily Pons. Cohen-Seat, Gilbert, Essai sur les principes d'une philosophie du cinema. I. Introduction generate: Notions fondamentales et vocabulaire de filmolo gie, Paris, 1946. Cooke, Alistair, Douglas Fairbanks: The Making oi a Screen Character, New York, 1940. Copland, Aaron, "Tip to Moviegoers: Take off Those Ear-Muffs," The New York Times Magazine, Nov. 6, 1949. "Core of the Movies — the Chase: Answers by Alfred Hitchcock," The New York Times Magazine, Oct. 29, 1950. Cranston, Maurice, "The Pre-Fabricated Daydream," The Penguin Film Review (London, 1949), no. 9:26-31. Croce, Arlene, "Gervaise," Film Culture (New York, Dec. 1957), vol. Ill, no. 5:14-15. Crowther, Bosley, "Seen in Close-up," The New York Times, Sept. 23, 1951. Dahl, Ingohf, "Igor Stravinsky on Film Music," Cinema (Hollywood, June 1947), vol. 7, no. 1:8-9, 21. Dard, Michel, Valeur humaine du cinema, Paris, 1928. [Lc rouge et le noir: Les essais, no. 10.] Dekeukeleire, Charles, Le Cinema et la pensee, Bruxcllcs, 1947. [Collection Savoir, no. 13.] Delluc, Louis, Photogenie, Paris, 1920. , "Photographic," in Marcel Lapierre, ed., Anthologie du cinema, Paris, 1946, pp. 134-6. Deren, Mava, An Anagram of Ideas on Art, Form, and Film, Yonkcrs, New York, 1946. Dewey, John, Art As Experience, New York, 1934. Doniol-Valcrozc, Jacques, and Bazin, Andre, "Conversation with Bunuel," Sight and Sound (London, Spring 1955), vol. 24, no. 4:181-5. Doyle, A. Conan, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, Garden City, New York, 1938. Dreville, Jean, "Documentation: The Basis of Cinematography," Close Up (Territet, Switzerland, Sept. 1930), vol. VII, no. 3:202-6. Dulac, Germaine, "L'essence du cinema l'idee visuelle," in Cinema, Paris, 1925, pp. 57-66. [Les cahiers du mois, 16/17.] , "La cinegraphie integralc," in Marcel Lapierre, ed., Anthologie du cinema, Paris, 1946, pp. 157-68. [First published in 1927.] "Le cinema d'avant-gardc," in Marcel L'Herbicr, ed., Intelligence du cinematographe, Paris, 1946, pp. 341-53. [First published in 1932.]