Theory of film : the redemption of physical reality (1960)

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348 BIBLIOGRAPHY , "The Last Day of Summer/' Sight and Sound (London, Autumn 1958), vol. 27, no. 6:314-15. Ruskin, John, Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts Perhaps Worthy of Memory in My Past Life, London, 1949. [First published during 1885-9.] Sachs, Hanns, "Film Psychology," Close Up (Territet, Switzerland, Nov. 1928), vol. Ill, no. 5:8-15. Sadoul, Georges, Ulnvention du cinema, 1832-1897 (Histoire generale du cinema, I), Paris, 1946. , Les Pionniers du cinema: De Melies a Pathe, 1897-1909 (Histoire generale du cinema, II), Paris, 1947. ., Histoire dyun art: he cinema des origines a nos jours, Paris, 1949. "Sang d'un poete (Le)," Film Society Programmes, London, April 2, 1933. Sargeant, Winthrop, "Music for Murder," The New Yorker, Oct. 30, 1954. Schachtel, Ernest G., "On Memory and Childhood Amnesia," Psychiatry (Washington, Feb. 1947), vol. X, no. 1:1-26. Schcffauer, Herman G., "The Vivifying of Space," The Freeman (New York), Nov. 24, 1920, pp. 248-50, and Dec. 1, 1920, pp. 275-6. (Republished in Lewis Jacobs, ed., Introduction to the Art of the Movies, New York, 1960, pp. 76-85. A Noonday Press paperback.) Schenk, Gustav, Schoepfung aus dem Wassertropfen, Berlin, 1954. Schmoll, J. A., gen. Eisenwerth, "Vom Sinn der Fotografie," in Otto Steinert, Subjective fotografie 2: ein Bildband moderner Fotografie, Munich, 1955. Seton, Marie, Sergei M. Eisenstein, New York, 1952. Seve, Lucien, "Cinema et methode," Revue Internationale de fdmologie (Paris), vol. I: July-Aug. 1947, no. 1:42-6; Sept.-Oct. 1947, no. 2:171-4; and Oct. 1948, nos. 3-4:351-5. Sherif, Muzafer, and Cantril, Hadley, The Psychology of Ego-Involvements: Social Attitudes and Identifications, New York, 1947. Souriau, Etiennc, "Filmologie et esthetique comparee," Revue international de filmolooie (Paris, April-June 1952), vol. Ill, no. 10:113-41. Spottiswoode, Raymond, A Grammar of the Film: An Analysis of Film Technique, London, 1935. , Basic Film Techniques, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1948. [University of California Svllabus Series No. 303.] Stern, Seymour, "D. W. Griffith and the Movies," The American Mercury (New York, March 1949), vol. LXVIII, no. 303:308-19. Stifter, Adalbert, Bunte Steine/Nachlese, Insel Verlag, Leipzig. T., H. H., "The Screen: 'Emperor and Golem,' " The New York Times, Jan. 10, 1955. Toynbce, Arnold, "Christianity and Civilization," in Toynbec, Civilization on Trial, and The World and the West, New York, 1958, pp. 198-220. [Meridian Books, Inc.] , "Does Historv Repeat Itself?" ibid. pp. 37-46. Turner, John B., "On Suspense and Other Film Matters: An Interview with Alfred Flitchcock," Films in Review (New York, April 1950), vol. I, no. 3:21-2,47.