Theory of film : the redemption of physical reality (1960)

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 349 Tyler, Parker, 'The Film Sense and the Painting Sense," Art Digest (New York, Feb. 15, 1954), pp. 10-12, 27-8. , Rashomon as Modern Art, New York, 1952. [Cinema 16 Pamphlet One.] Ueberweg/Heinze, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Band V. Basel, 1953. Valery, Paul, "Le rctour de Hollande," in Variete II, Paris, 1930, pp. 19-41. , "Le cinema," in Les Techniques au service de la pensee, Paris, 1938, pp. 1 57-64. 'Cinematographe," in Marcel L'Herbier, ed., Intelligence du cinema tographe, Paris, 1946, pp. 35-6. Degas, danse, dessin, Paris, 1938. Van Dyke, Willard, "How 'Valley Town' Was Made," Program Notes of Cinema 16, Jan. 1950. [Reprinted from U.S. Camera, Winter 1940.] Vardac, A. Nicholas, Stage to Screen: Theatrical Method from Garrick to Griffith, Cambridge, 1949. Vuillermoz, Emile, "Realisme et expressionisme," in Cinema, Paris, 1925, pp. 72-80. [Les cahiers du mois, 16/17.] , "La musique des images," in UArt cinematographique, Paris, 1927, vol. Ill, pp. 39-66. Waddington, Prof. C. H., "Two Conversations with Pudovkin," Sight and Sound (London, Winter 1948-9), vol. 17, no. 68:159-61. Wallis, C. C, "The Blood of a Poet," Kenyon Review (Gambier, Ohio, Winter 1944), vol. 6, no. 1:24-42. Wallon, Henri, "De quelques problemes psycho-physiologiques que pose le cinema," Revue internationale de filmologie (Paris, July-Aug. 1947), vol. I, no. 1:15-18. , "L'acte perceptif et le cinema," ibid. (April-June 1953), vol. IV, no. 13:97-110. Weston, Edward, "Seeing Photographically," The Complete Photographer (New York, 1943 ) , vol. 9, issue 49: 3200-3206. Whitehead, Alfred North, Science and the Modern World, New York, 1948. [A Mentor Book. First published in 1925.] . , Adventures of Ideas, New York, 1955. [A Mentor Book. First Published in 1933.] Wilhelm, Wolfgang, Die Auftriebswirkung des Films, Bremen, 1940. [Inaugural-Dissertation, Leipzig.] Wolf-Czapek, K. W., Die Kinematographie: Wesen, Entstehung und Ziele des lebenden Bildes, Berlin, 1911. Wolfenstein, Martha, and Leites, Nathan, Movies: A Psychological Study, Glencoe, 111., 1950. Wright, Basil, "Handling the Camera," in Charles Davy, ed., Footnotes to the Film, London, 1937, pp. 37-53. Zinnemann, Fred, "On Using Non-Actors in Pictures," The New York Times, Jan. 8, 1950.