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18 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION PICTURES to replace the arc lamps and other projection equip ment with higher amperage output appliances. A metallic screen will have to be installed, as the matte type of screen kills the illusion of depth. The loss of reflected light with matte types of screens is too great for use with third-dimension pictures. An important point to take into consideration is the fact that all of the projection equipment was originally designed and constructed to take care of intermittent projection, a 20-minute period of opera tion and then a 20-minute period of rest. With three dimension projection the equipment will be in con tinuous operation, and it is possihle that the equipment will not stand up under this usage. For instance, the generator was designed to carry the load for one lamp operation at a time, with a margin, for the time of carrying the second lamp while changeover was made. The generator will now have to stand the continuous drain of two arc lamps. The same applies to rectifiers. All of the projection and electrical equipment should be checked to see that it will stand up under these new operating conditions. The introduction and switch over to these new systems is going to present many problems to both exhibitors and producers, other than those already mentioned. If this conversion is done too rapidly, what is going to happen to the 300,000,000 dollars worth of film now on the producers' shelves and as yet unre- leased? Producers will face a loss of income from the elimination of the foreign market, until such time as the foreign exhibitor can secure the new type equip ment. This new equipment will have to be built in one of the sterling countries, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa are some of the countries doing business in pounds sterling. These countries,