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j2Q_ THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION PICTURES that these pictures can be used for drive-ins and the smaller theaters throughout the country. This, of course, can very easily be done, and it may solve the problem in places where the drive-ins and the small theaters have no competition, but what is going to be the reaction of members of the audience viewing some picture in two dimension, after seeing the same picture in the new third dimension? Other problems will undoubtedly crop up before the conversion is made, but these should now be antici pated and answers found at the earliest possible date —these should be considered along with the question of standardization by the Motion Picture Research Council and the Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers. Time is an important element in these dis cussions if we are to avoid the complicatons encoun tered back in the late twenties when sound was intro duced. WHAT IS IT GOING TO COST? Let us here review this chapter to try and approxi mate the cost to the exhibitor for equipment and installation for the various systems. At time of writing, the only third dimension systems in use are those using two projectors for projection, and using glasses for viewing the screen picture. These are among others, Natural Vision, Tri- Opticon, Stereo-Techniques, all of these systems are now being sold exhibitors on a "package deal" basis. The interlocking devices for the projectors, includ ing the selsyn motors, the viewing glasses, the polaroid light filters for the projection ports, the oversized reels and film magazines, and the screen, are being supplied the exhibitor along with the film. The theater working on a percentage basis to cover everything,