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Third Dimension Movies And E X P A N D E D Screen (1953)

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66 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION PICTURES faces and distances whose determination is essential for the calculation of the path of the rays which concur to form the image. Conventional symbols and signs have beep adopted, some of them internationally used, such as the symbol / to denote the principal focal point and the signs + and — to indicate the positive or negative characteristics of the values under consid- *; 11 eration; other symbols and signs have obtained a less interna tional recognition and are indiscriminately used by the different investigators. NEGATIVE DIVERGENT LENSES Although divergent lenses do not form real images and are, therefore, unsuitable for photographic purposes if used alone, they pay an essential role in combination with positive lenses as it will be seen later. As in the case of convergent lenses, three distinct kinds of divergent lenses may be defined according to the different combinations which can be obtained with hollow curved sur faces. The main characteristic of divergent lenses is that they are