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THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION PICTURES 79 , Thus at the "critical stereoscopic distance" 9 this dif ference in angle obtended disappears, and the binocular perspective merges into the geometric perspective. The narrowing down, or slenderinzieg, of the images of objects is strongest for nearby objects, decreases grad ually with distance, at last to become zero. Returning to the diagram, we now will consider another, and extremely interesting, fact. Between objects A and B there is a space, designated by D; and between objects B and C there is a space, E. Close inspection reveals that the two eyes, looking through these inter spaces at the background, again do so binocularly and show, once more, extreme lines of vision. For space D these extreme lines of vision are the line drawn from left eye 1 tangent to the left side of object B, and the line drawn from right eye 2 tangent to the right side of object A. These two extreme lines of vision cross each other at point d, which, therefore, is the point from which a single eye would look through the interspace between objects A and B, in the same manner as do the two eyes 1 and 2, Point d, therefore, may be designated as the equiva lent point of vision for the eyes 1 and 2, as regards interspace D. For space E we find, in an exactly similar manner, an equivalent viewpoint e, from which a single eye would see this space in the same manner as do the two eyes 1 and 2. In the case of these equivalent viewpoints for inter space we find, however, that they are located in front oi the eye baseline. Moreover, we see that the angles obtended by the interspace from these points are largei than those from either one of the two eyes. This means of course, that the interspaces are seen in widened pro portions, in contradistinction to the slenderizing effed we found to occur with objects. Again, the term "widen