Third Dimension Movies And E X P A N D E D Screen (1953)

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THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION PICTURES grotesque. Funny, or perhaps unfunny in so serious and earnest a project, was the unhorizontal sea-horizon in the roller coaster sequence; for, while the car was rising toward the top the horizon line was a smiling mouth, corners curving up ; but when the car reversed and started downward the horizon also reversed and became disconsolate, comers down. The same inevitable, unavoidable effect was also visible in other sequences, but railroad and horizon lines showed it most clearly. If Columbus had had Cinerama instead of only an egg SOUND HEADS of the Cinerama magnetic sound recording system. Mechanism has re cording heads arranged in 2 banks of 3 each to record the pickup of six microphones which supply stereophonic sound for films. he would have had no trouble at all proving the earth is round—one look at the horizon in the Aquacade sequence would have been proof plenty/ 2. The joints between the three component panels (frames) are not always as perfect as desired; vertical junction areas often show plainly.