Third Dimension Movies And E X P A N D E D Screen (1953)

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United State®: U. S. DEFT. OF COMMERCE, Wa*hington, D. C, The books of Cameron should be In" the hand* of every one Interested In motion pictures. DEPT, OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, Wa>hincton. D C 3557 We "recolnn^ feSS. '" "" " bw ° f Om ««» * 8 mucfe «** ~ ««~ *>* <>«- SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE ENGINEERS. New York Cltr SiJeenS 1 / pubIIcAtJon ' ls «*tremely complete, covering all phases of motion" picture en- EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Dr. C. E. K. Mees, Roehnter. Motion Picture Projection is undoubtedly valuable as a reference work, RCA PHOTOPHONE. H. L. Danson. A splendid comprehensive addition to the literature of sound motion pictures. WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. (E. R. P. I.), H. B. Santee. ^"L^u ^l^^*^ 1 ln , our ™i rk herc > h °S»« y° ur n «^ edition will find even great er public recognition than its predecessors. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY. W. C. Ku l of the Cameron books are of a high standard and I recommend them to projection ists everywhere. AMERICAN PROJECTION SOCIETY. The bent book on the subject now available, and likely to be for a long time to come. Canada: CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MOTION PICTURE BUREAU. Ottawa. The book is a valuable addition to our library here. CANADIAN MOVING PICTUEK DIGEST. The largest and most comprehensive book on the subject that we have seen, crammed full of useful information for tho»e interested in making or showing motion pictures TREASURY DEPT. INSPECTOR OF THEATER'S OFFICE. A most excellent work — we have found it of great value. England : KINEMATOGRAPH WEEKLY. London. We recommend Caxnerooi*a books to all those interested in motion pictures. INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. St. James Pk.» London. THE NATION & ATHENAEUM. London. A portly -work which provides a complete education in the technique of sound films, from the\ first elements of electrical knowledge to the details of recording and projecting. A Book for which w« ahould b« grateful. THE CIKKMA. London. Cameron's book la a remarkably comprehensive and authoritative text book, surveys tia« whole field of modern equipment and modern day practice—it Is lucid as it is prac- ticMl—would be « gilt edged investment to theater owner or projectionist at ten tun«a its coat. Aufffcrmlla: AUSTRALASIAN PHOTO-REVIEW (Kodak Ltd.) Cameron is well known for his technical manuals, which have for a great many years been accepted as authoritative and standard—every detail of theory, technique and ap paratus is fully covered. AUSTRALIAN ELECTRICAL TIMES. Cameron's new book has Just reached this country and after reading it, we can predict a large sale in Australia and New Zealand—it is on the same nigh standard as Cameron's earlier books—a treat for Cameron's Australian readers. South Africa: AFRICAN THEATRES LTD. Johannesburg. The Onmeron books are used In 'over 80 theaters owned by African Theaters Ltd. in Capetown, Johannesburg, Durban. Bloerafontein, Bulawayo. Kimberley and Pretoria r-^^vr-nn ttonks are as well known in South Africa as they are in America, they are