Ballyhoo (Jun 1960)

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~3 fire safety. These presentations were made on our stage, by Martin Hurst, Deputy Fire Marshal of the Province of Ontario. We are also quite fortunate in that Prudhommes Garden Centre Theatre is located just outside St.Catharines and we were able during the summer to arrange visits by their stars, Miss Ann B. Davis, "Schultzy", Lee Marvin, etc. In our area, CHCH-TV got into the Junior Fire Department in a big way and supplied us with registration blanks, membership ecards and folders which we required. Our opening day was a hectic session on the main street. As I mentioned earlier we invited Cap'n Andy and the kids went all out on his arrival. He arrived at the theatre on one of the city aerial ladder trucks and was welcomed by the Mayor. He was then escorted down the aisle to the stage where he entertained the children with some stories and cartoons of the Fire Chief and his Officers. As you can see the first thing is to get going and then make the program as interesting as possible for the children. It is very important to work hard at the job,in spite of the fact that your expense has been guaranteed, because you will want to return to the heads of the industrial firms for more money for another series at a later date. You would be surprised just how much these people watch how these shows develop as compared to what was said to them on a former visit. You may have noticed that I have tried as much as possible to stay away from the "I" because this was a joint effort. Success was only possible because of the combined efforts of the Fire Department, the Newspaper, the Radio Station, the Television Station, many other interested persons and my wonderful staff. Complete support and assistance was always available from Mr. Jim Cameron, my District Manager, and Harrison Patte, my Booker. When you set up one of these shows, I can safely say you will get the same