Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers (1928)

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932 Transactions of S.M.P.E., Vol. XII, No. 36, 1928 radio engineer and I want to indicate only the most common method used, namely, resistance coupled amplification. A high resistance which may vary from 0.1 megohm to 20 megohms or more, depending upon conditions, is connected in series with the photo cell and its supply voltage as shown in Fig. 11. One side of this resistance is connected to the grid of an amplifier tube and the other to the filament. Any change in the photo cell current results in a change in the voltage drop across this resistance and, of course, in 4200 44-00 5200 54-00 5600 Fig. 4600 4-600 6000 WAVE LENGTH A 10. Wave length-sensitivity curve for a potassium photo-electric cell. the voltage impressed between grid and filament of the amplifier tube. Thus a change in photo cell current results in a much larger variation in the output of the tube. The applications of the photo cell are numerous and its field of usefulness is continually widening. The two most spectacular applications are, of course, television and talking moving pictures. A few of the other applications are cigar sorting, sorting and grading of beans or buttons; testing the quality of breakfast