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Report of Standards and Nomenclature Committee 39
2. Projection speed for standard 35 mm. sound pictures shall be 24 pictures per second.
3. The scanning line shall be located 14.5 inches below the picture gate.
4. Location and width of sound track for combined picture and sound positives. The dimensions and position of a sound track area shall be as shown in Fig. 4, that is on the left side of the picture.
5. The number of teeth in mesh with the film (commonly referred to as ''teeth in contact") shall be the number of teeth in the arc of contact of the film with the drum of the sprocket, the pulling face of one tooth being at the origin of the arc. (see fig. 2).
6. The term Safety film may be applied to any material, either uncoated support, support coated with emulsion, or the exposed and processed product, which has a burning time greater than fifteen (15) seconds; the burning time being defined as the total time (in seconds) required for the combustion (of a sample of standard dimensions) as determined according to the procedure of the Underwriter's Laboratories. Size of standard sample for determination of burning time :
Length — 36 inches, 914.4 mm.
Thickness— 0.005 to 0.006 inch, 0.122 to 0.152 mm.
Width— 0.63 to 1.378 inches, 16 to 35 mm.
Pres. Porter : Standardization is one of the major reasons for the existence of our society. I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of it, and I feel we are exceedingly fortunate in having Mr. Jones head of the committee and having the personnel on the committee we have. They are doing far-reaching work for us.
Before taking up the actions on their recommendations, I should like to ask the active members to hold up their hands, so that the action may be official.
(Count made of active members present)
This report is open for discussion and action, and I suggest that we take up the six items one at a time.
Mr. Jones: The first item is relative to taking sp'eed. The committee rather felt that in view of the present situation it would