TV Guide (November 6, 1953)

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Walt Framer, producer, and Warren Hull, emcee of Strike It Rich: they answer critics. The Heart of STRIKE IT RICH Humanitarian Program Or Tin Cup Charity? T HEY call Strike It Rich the “Quiz Show With a Heart,” and describe it as an openhanded, humanitarian television program. Is it that, or is it just a giveaway program with a sob story as the gim¬ mick? And as such is it a “return to the outmoded concept of street-cor¬ ner, tin cup begging?” Whichever is the more accurate ap¬ praisal, there’s no denying that Strike It Rich is one of the most popular programs on the air. On this show, the halt, the blind and the needy catalogue their woes before 25,000,000 viewers and then, by answering routine quiz questions, tap the sponsor for money. And, if they’re lucky, some viewer’s heart may be touched to the extent that he calls the show on the “Heart Line” and contributes more cash or gifts. Blasting away at such programs, al¬ though not mentioning Strike. It Rich by name, is Henry L. McCarthy, New York’s Commissioner of Welfare, who contends incalculable harm is done to 5