TV Guide (November 20, 1953)

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Chicago Dateline TV’s Week: Jack Payne’s abrupt exit from WGN-TV’s Hi Ladies this week has led some wags to muse whether the show shouldn’t be re-titled Goodbye Gentlemen. Jack was the fifth emcee to tackle the job, following such prede¬ cessors as Tommy Bartlett, Tom Moore, Dolf Nelson and Frank Sweeney. No. 6 is WGN - TV’s mellow tenor, Mike Douglas, former singer with Kay Kyser’s band who is fast beco/ning one of Channel 9’s star emcees. He also handles the emcee duties on the sta- Bannon tion’s Friday night Showcase as well as a featured role in DuMont’s Music Show beamed from Chicago. Clever gimmick was initiated by Illi¬ nois Bell Telephone Company to plug its WNBQ show. Victory At Sea. Four days before the program, the company tags on a brief plug at the end of its recorded weather reports. They figure with an average of 62,000 calls per day (and as many as 270,000 calls on bad weather days), they get some pretty nice (and free) publicity. Jim Bannon, the romantic interest on WNBQ’s Hawkins Falls, found a roman¬ tic interest of his own over at the Mer¬ chandise Mart. Object of his affections is Channel 5’s handy-girl Dorsey Con¬ nors. They’ll wed Dec. 12. WBKB’s Ed Allen may inherit the Tarzan movie role from Lex Barker if he wins out over five other finalists. If the muscle-man goes to Hollywood, for testing purposes, he plans to film his shows so Chicago's feminine population won’t be without its daily exercises while he’s gone. Music a la Mood: Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, on their annual con¬ cert trek cross-country, stop off in Chi¬ cago Dec. 1 for a private concert at the Ekigewater Beach Hotel and Dec, 3 for a public recital at the Civic Opera House. Last of the Quiz Kids: Head Quizzer Joe Kelly and his band of Quiz Kids have solved their last problem on TV, at least for the time being. Now that they’re off WBBM-TV, Channel 2’s promise of 12 hours per week of network origina¬ tion is down to zero hours per week. CBS’ Central Division Vice-President Les Atlass had his answer ready last week. Atlass claims the two big stum¬ bling blocks in the way of CBS net¬ work originations from Chicago are the hassle between CBS and Zenith Radio Corp. for control of Channel 2, and the necessity of acquiring new studio facili¬ ties. The lattetr must await the FCC ruling on who gets Channel 2. Atlass also added that he’s concentrating on building up good local programming. Advance Tips on Shows: WBKB will televise the annual State Street Christ¬ mas Day parade from 10 to 11 AM Nov. 21. Headlining the event will be Kelly Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on their favorite steeds. You’ll be seeing more of Frazer Thomas and his Petticoat Party. WBRM-TV reports the show has been renewed through March. WGN-TV is already lining up post- Christmas programs. Beginning Jan. 2, Channel 9 will carry Arky, The Arkan¬ sas Woodchopper, a Saturday half-hour kids’ show at 11 AM. General and Editorial Offices: 73T South Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, Illinois Advertising Offices: 6 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 7, Illinois All Phones: WAbash 2-0366 • Expiration Number 281 A-1