TV Guide (January 1, 1954)

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June confers with Jackie Gleason and then gives more instruction to the girls. CHOREOGRAPHY BY JUNE TAYLOR 16 Owe, dmauz, I N THE big league of spectacular dancing, the June Taylor girls on the Jackie Gleason Show kick higher ghe checks costumes with a wardrobe and faster, dance with more grace R^y gloch (below), and abandon than any other troupe in the business. June takes the first step by using dolls to plan routines. Those seven or eight breath-taking minutes on the show come only after 22 hours of arduous rehearsals in June’s studio, 12 hours at CBS on telecast day, repeated conferences with Jackie, great attention to cos¬ tumes, and always a selective eye on the mxisic for Ray Bloch’s orchestra. ^ June sets the pace for her 16 dancers.