TV Guide (February 5, 1954)

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10:15 O Weather—Lee Phillip [4] News—Paul Skinner Events in the news. 0 News—Jack Angeli @ Religious Film Father James Keller of the Christophers. 10:25 0 Art Mercier—Sports Tips |4] Weather—Bill Carlsen Report for the Wisconsin area. 10:30 O Nc^ws—John Harrington [Tj I Led Three Lives—Film Richard Carlson Stars. 0 Sports—Norman Barry Late scores and information. o I'm The Law—Drama "Powder Box Smuggling Story." Beating of a sailor leads to the discovery of jewels and narcotics. @ MOVIE-"Slttlng On The Moon"— Irresponsible songwriter is se¬ cretly in love with star. 10:45 O li^ Kupcinet—Comments Gossip and interviews. 0 Herbie Mintz Show—Music Melodies, old and new. 11:00 0 MOVIE—"Sleep My Love" Man, in cooperation with a fake doctor, plots to drive his wife insane. [4] City Detective—Drama Rod Cameron as Lt. Kirby. 0 Bowling—From Chicago Joe Wilson describes the games. Spon¬ sored by DeMef Pontiac. O News—Ulmer Turner Local and national news. 11:05 O Weather—Chuck Bill 11:10 0 Tom Duggan—Comments Gossip, chatter, and interviews. 11:30 [4] Dollar A Second—Quiz Jan Murray emcees quiz game. O News—Les Nichols 11 ;45 O Weather—Carl Greyson l2;OO0MOVIE-"My Own Folk" Girl from Scottish highlands goes to Eng¬ land to assist in war work. Moira Lister. Q News—Tom Mercein Milwaukee and vicinity news roundup. 0 MOVIE-Title Not Available 12:05 [4] Sports Showcase Sports events on film. 12:20 [ 4 } Wrestling—Film i» TV GUIDE •« sale Wedeesilfly FRANK PARKER and HOME TV A-37