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C/eojOtm,ii & Believing in Flap Doodle and Bibble Board Is Buffalo Bob Smith’s Business If you think that the person who knows everything there is to know about three-to-eight-year-olds is Hans Christian Andersen or Danny Kaye, you’re a square and a dunder¬ head. Only one person is that smart: Bob Smith—Buffalo Bob, naturally— of Doodyville. Buffalo Bob is a believer. For al¬ most seven long years on TV, five afternoons a week, he has been ac¬ tively engaged in believing. Through this remarkable and strenuous oc¬ cupation, Buffalo Bob has reached this conclusion: the nonbelievers—the most vehement of whom are age nine and 10 but who go on up to 90 and 100—are in a deplorable state. They are unequivocally unqualified to be friends or boosters of Howdy Doody. Just suppose you are a believer. You immediately fall heir to the Flap Doodle, a handy improvement on the worn-out jinni of Aladdin’s day, that gets you anything you want. No hanky-panky with rubbing, either. The Flap Doodle works. Then there’s the Electro-Mind-O- Mizer which reads people’s minds. Every four-year-old from Caracas to the outlying districts of Bordeaux is hep to its principle—the cathode anti¬ histamine tube, a most convenient device to have around for cut-up friends. Conceivably, you might want to take a trip to the moon or deepest Africa. But you also want to let peo¬ ple at home know all is hunky-dory. Use the Super-Talkascope, of course. Any question you want answered? Write it down on the Bibble Board, mash it up well, feed it to the Ques¬ tion Quasher Squasher and your an¬ swer comes out on a large ticker tape. Now, no one has suggested yet that you turn believer; but if you happen to be a convert, the world does take on an iridescent glow. Many people upwards of eight (the crisis year) view the large-scale, grown-up Buf¬ falo Bob with condescension and visi¬ ble paleness. His own offspring, age 10 and 12, are among these. Buffalo Bob, who likes three-year- Whooping it up: Clarabell, show's clown, and Buffalo Bob entertain their public. ► 10