TV Guide (August 28, 1954)

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HOLLYWOOD Dan Jenkins reports; MILTON BERLE says next year will be the last season for guest stars. The practice has been overdone, according to the comic, and the guests are getting much too expensive . . . Still want to come to Hollywood? According to AFTRA, the radio-TV actors' union, 80 per cent of its members clear less than $2000 a year from their radio-TV work. ♦ * * ED SULLIVAN'S Toast of the Town will do "The Darryl F. Zanuck Story" from Hollywood Sunday, Sept. 12 and 19, which puts the first half smack opposite BETTY HUTTON'S TV debut on NBC. ♦ ♦ * Odds are that LUCILLE BALL and DESI ARNAZ will open in Las Vegas Jan. 1 with a musical version of I Love Lucy. VIVIAN VANCE and BILL FRAWLEY will appear with them. . . It had to happen: there's a private eye film series in the works titled Lady Sleuth. * ♦ * MARY SHIPP, waiting for the new My Friend Irma show to jell, goes to New York for two Kraft Theater appearances . . . Believe it or not, there's a Hollywood TV film writer named RIP VON RONKLE. VAUGHN MONROE has signed a five-week deal with NBC to fill the 7:30-7:45 Tuesday-Thursday spot, replacing CHARLIE RUGGLES, who replaced DINAH SHORE, who returns Oct. 5. . . . MONROE starts Aug. 31 . . . LASSIE.makes a network guest appearance early in September, probably on Toast of the To wn, to plug the start of his own CBS show Sunday, Sept. 12. KEEFE BRASSELLE'S pilot film for NBC has earned him a contract. He'll do his own half-hour daytime ' variety show ... The RIN TIN TIN series has been sold to a national sponsor . . . The word is getting around: look out for MERRY ANDERS on the new and improved STU ERWIN films. * * * DENNIS O'KEEFE joins ETHEL BARRYMORE in Chrysler'? second dramatic show, "The 13th Chair" . . . Coltunbia Pictures has a department which does nothing but watch the top TV shows in search of new talent . . . ELSA LANCHESTER makes her TV film bow as co-star with JUDITH ANDERSON in "The Creative Impulse" for Four-Star Theater. That's creative . . . Dancers from the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas appeared in a recent RED SKELTON show in Hollywood, went off the air at 6 PM, got on a plane at 7:05, changed costumes in mid-flight and went on at the Flamingo at 8:30. Remember the quiet old days when it took six weeks just to grow a head of lettuce? 4