TV Guide (August 28, 1954)

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The producers of Beat the Clock might just as well have used the tag of another show, Chance of a Life¬ time, because that’s what they give the ladies when it comes to throwing things. Alas for the men who play target; the better the woman’s aim (with whipped-cream pies), the bet¬ ter the prizes. Glamor girl Roxanne, decorative aid to emcee Bud Collyer, is sure of this: there’s nothing a woman likes better than throwing things at her husband—unless it’s watching another woman throwing things at another husband. Roxanne remembers one woman who shouted gleefully, just as she hurled a custard pie at her spouse: “I’ve been waiting 10 years to do this!” The show’s stunts are suggested by two professional pranksters, who fur¬ nish 20 ideas a week. Seven of these must prove workable. Before a stunt is used, it is tested four times by four sets of stand-in contestants. During the tryouts, two cases of canned Fowl play—rarely indulged in on show by Roxanne, Bud Collyer. to put two toupees, suspended by strings just a little too far apart, into an open-crowned stovepipe hat worn by the contestant, without using hands. How was it done? Just as Roxanne and Bud demonstrated. You merely had to set one toupee in motion by blowing at it, after getting the first toupee in the hat. PIES AND TOUPEES ON 'BEAT THE CLOCK’ whipped cream are used regularly. As the funniest stunt, Jean Hol¬ lander, co-producer of the show, nom¬ inates this gem: “Mother and chil¬ dren bandaged Daddy right up to his eyes, leaving him just room to breathe. Then everyone squirted Daddy with cream.” Five years and 1900-pius gags ago, the show used “intellectual-type stunts,” which required “some think¬ ing.” But no more. Toughest stunt, which defied solu¬ tion for 32 weeks while the jack¬ pot increased $100 per week: trying 9 Roxanne proves jackpot-boosting toupee-in-hat stunt can be done.