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SUNDAY ‘ZiOO O Farmtown USA—Menard "The Farm Pond." Soil conservation and the importance of the farm pond as a water supply. George Menard. Wisconsin House Party City Desk—Discussion A panel program concerning Chicago's city problems. William Ray moderates. Q Annie Oakley—Western "Outlaw Mesa." It looks like an airtight case against Gil Warren, who is ac¬ cused of causing violent death. Gail Davis and Jim Hawkins. Q MOVIE-1 Hour 2:30 O Adventure—Education Adventure poses the question, "Does a Bird Really Have a 'Bird Brain'?" Dr. Robert Cushman, of the American Mu¬ seum of Natural History, and the per¬ formances of Burgess's Birds, a group of trained African love birds, offer an¬ swers, Robert Northshield is host. American Forum >ngn-tv channel ^ Q Hans Christian Andersen "The Emperor's New Clothes." The Ber¬ nard Brothers and Karl Schmidt star in the story of an emperor's vanity. 3:00 O American Week (4) Roy Rogers-Western Juvenile Jury Jack Barry emcees; children give advice. o Rin Tin Tin—Adventure "The Outcast of Fort Apache." Rusty's good friend, Lt. Masters, is accused of cowardice. Lee Aaker. Q TV Showcase—Drama "Reg'lar Fellers." The comic strip char¬ acters have trouble with a wealthy old child-hating lady. Roscoe Ates. 3:30 O This Is the Midwest 0 (§) Zoo Parade Guest, Dr. Frances Horwich, and Marlin Perkins discuss books from which chil¬ dren learn of animals. (Chicago) O Hank McCune Show "The Frog Story." How Lester met his friend Hank. Q Times Square Playhouse "The Eyeglasses." A fabulously successful career woman finds a pair of glasses that reveal a murder plan.- Herbert Marshall ' narrates, Gertrude Michaels stars. 4:00 Q Omnibus—Alistair Cooke "The Contrast," by Royall Tyler, the first American comedy produced profes¬ sionally. The Omnibus Repertory Players present this adaptation by Gore Vidal. See review in next week's issue. @ Hall of Fame—Drama "Royal Physician." In the 17th Century, physicians felt that human blood ebbed and flowed like the tide. Then Dr. William Harvey revolutionized the concept of the circulatory system. His human guinea pig was King Charles I of England. Q Super Circus Claude Kirchner and his assistant, Mary Hartline, present these acts from Chi¬ cago: acrobats. The Four Lindners; tra¬ peze artists, Aerialetta; seal act, Wal¬ ter Jennier & Buddy. Q Roller Derby—Coliseum A-14 TV GUIDE