TV Guide (April 16, 1955)

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Lucy and Desi Cross The Country; ‘Private Secretary’ Goes Abroad HOLLYWOOD . . . Lucille Ball and Desi Amaz—on TV, at least—drove a Pon¬ tiac from New York to Hollywood in those I Love Lucy sequences. Result; Desilu, their film company, received $50,000 to cover part of the produc¬ tion costs, and five Pontiacs, three of which went to the show’s writers. . . . Ann Sothem’s Private Secretary is one of those big TV series which are reaching foreign markets. It’s been sold in France, Italy, Spain and the Philippines. ■■ Jack Benny called I George Bums from a pay booth after his TV show. ^ The operator interrupted * with, “That will be an- other 15 cents, please;” i and Grade Allen, listen- * ing in on an upstairs ^ phone, shouted, “Where are you calling from, Jack—your home?” ■ Liberace’s hospitali¬ zation in New York threw his telefilming schedule out of kilter. So Lee worked extra hard to get far enough ahead to keep his night club date in Las Vegas . . . In the pilot film for the new Oscar Levant show, Story Behind the Song, George Liberace is the guest panelist. Oscar’s first question, which almost floored George, was: “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” ■ Jean Hagen, who plays the sweet¬ est of wives in Make Room for Daddy, yearns for a change of pace. She’s bought herself a screen story titled Jean Hagen: “The Peeler.” In it, she’d play a bur¬ lesque star . . . Movie star Eleanor Parker is so afraid of TV she wouldn’t even sit in the audience for an Ed Sullivan Toast bow . . . George Gobel plays a shy young millionaire in his picture for Paramount. His movie contract specifically rules out gang¬ ster and cowboy roles . . . Phil Silvers played it safe. He smoked J | | every brand of cigaret un¬ til his new TV show landed a sponsor—R. J. Reynolds." ■ “Are you nervous?” I asked Gary Crosby just before he did the Jack Benny Show. “Yeah,” said Gary, “very nervous. But not because of the show. I’m just thinking of the two hours of criticism I’m going to get from my father.” ... Danny Thomas, just taking up the game of golf, invited Gen. Omar Bradley, an excellent golfer, to play with him. new role. After a brutal session try¬ ing to get out of a sand trap, Danny tried to relieve an un¬ comfortable silence by saying, “Funny game, golf.” The general replied, mo¬ rosely, “It isn’t meant to be.” ■ During telecasts, floor managers move about the studio wearing ear¬ phones with plastic plugs, through which they receive instructions from the control booth. After a recent Groucho Marx show, a dear old lady stopped Groucho and said, “I think you’re very, very sweet for giving jobs to all those poor deaf men!” 22