TV Guide (September 17, 1955)

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For Week Beginning September 17th, 1955 SATURDAY MORNING 7:50 Q Today's Thoughts 7:55 O NEWS 8:00 Rayner Shine—Variety News reports at 8:25 and 8:55 A.M. 9:00 O Wild Bill Hickok-Western 0 (§) Pinky Lee—Kids Pinky's guest performers: Mel Koontz and his comedy lion act. The Ratners, five tumblers. (Hollywood) Q This Is the Life—Religion "The Gossip Peddler." A mink coat plus gossip adds up to tragedy for Jack Holloway. Onslpw Stevens. 9:30 Q True Picture-Documentary O @ Paul Winchell Show I RETURN I Paul and Jerry are back at the clubhouse after a summer holiday. Here to join in the fun is bandleader Milton DeLugg. There'll be more lessons given to Knucklehead Smiff by Irving the Scholarly Mouse. Q Big Picture—Army Film 10:00 Q Winky Dink & You Jack has always wanted to be a teccher and he finally gets a classroom, thanks to the art work of viewers. Kids draw a picture of Mr. Bungle and the real Mr. B. gets into an argument with him. Chap¬ ter 2 in Winky and Dusty Den's adven¬ tures in Africa. d Commando Cody "S.O.S. Ice Age." The Ruler manages to couple the Earth with the planet Saturn. The Earth is thrown off its axis, and one half of the Earth freezes; the other burns. Commando Cody tries to correct the sun's heat distribution. Judd Holdren. O Let's Cook—Alma Lach Miss Alma offers lessons for small-fry and beginning cooks. Today's menu: school lunches: rainbow sandwiches, bo¬ logna wedges, Davy Crockett feat, re¬ lish ring, orange flower and milk shake. 10:30 Q Tales of the Rangers "Shorty Sees the Light." Ten-year-old Shorty Lassiter recognizes one of the ban¬ dits holding up his grandpop's stage¬ coach. The outlaws warn the boy not to tell and Shorty is torn between fear and the desire to help Texas Ranger Clay Morgan. Willard Parker, Harry Lauter, Kim Charney, Stanley Andrews are fea¬ tured in the leading roles. (3) Andy's Gang—Kids "The Leopard Hills." Nino Marcell. Q Mr. Wizard—Science Mr. Wizard (Don Herbert) and his new friend Susan (Pamela Fitzmaurice) dis¬ cover how we use gravity in our daily lives and what fun it can be o Morning Movie Time 11:00 Q Big Top—Circus Fun Ringmaster Jack Sterling presents: Trapeze artists . Flying Marilees Risley Act .. Karpis Trio Oogs . .Sylvia's Kennelkade Bicyclists . The Villenaves (g) Cartoon Carnival-Kids A borage of cartoons of all sorts for children of all ages. 0 MOVIE—To Be Announced d Quiet Riot—Comedy 11:30 Q MOVIE-Drama "The Girl Who Couldn't Quite." (Eng¬ lish) When a girl can't quite smile, the handyman of the house takes her in hand. Bill Owen and Iris Hoey are star¬ red in the title roles. A-6 TV GUIDE