TV Guide (November 6, 1954)

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71/f ^Mu/et/7o. Movies may have their mmmMarilyn mmmMonroe, but television has its lollapaLucy. Lucille Ball (left) got herself up as the lavishly rounded calendar cutie (above) for a recent I Love Lucy episode, and they almost had to call out the fire department. The day before the scene was filmed, Lucille poured herself into her Mari¬ lyn-type gown and strolled casually around .the Motion Picture Center lot. She hip-swaggled her way into one office after another, staring in¬ solently, saying nothing, but convey¬ ing plenty. Men dropped like flies. “Marilyn Monroe,” one electrician opined, “can look like that, too. But can Monroe manage to look Uke Lu¬ cille Ball?” 12