TV Guide (April 28, 1951)

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Letters to The Editor (Continued from page 6) Gary Ten Most Appealing? It occurs to me, after listening to their screams for a dazzling male star, that today’s women are undiscriminating in admiring the strong sex. Nohody asked me, but I have compiled a list of the 10 men in television who have the most appeal for me. None are glamour boys, few draw screams and sighs. Yet, because of their intelligence and personality, they are tops in my book: 1. Garry Moore—Sweetest 2. Dave Garroway—Most Natural 3. Steve Allen—Most Talented 4. Tex McCrary—Most Intelligent 5. John Daly—Most Charming 6. Ralph Edwards—Best Personality 7. Bob Dunn—Most Manly 8. George Burns—Smoothest Presentation 9. Sam Levenson—Funniest 10. Jerry Lewis—The Man I Love And TV could live without: Alan Young, Ken Murray, Frank Sinatra, Jan Murray, George S. Kaufman, and Hank Ladd. Why doesen’t TV Guide take a poll? A Happy Listener, Brooklyn [Disagree, readers? Write uj.'—E d.] Where’s Morgan? I am sure there must be hundreds of others besides myself who are wondering what happened to A1 Morgan’s program every Monday night at 8:30. Will this show be coming back? Mrs. Lillian L. Pavia, Stamford, Conn. [Al is still broadcasting on the network out¬ side of New York. Many fans have written lamenting his loss, and we, too, hope he’ll return to our TV screens soon.—E d.] Unfair to Nancy? Why did Paul Whiteman leave Nancy Lewis, mistress of ceremonies of his TV Teen Club, out of his story on teen-age talent in the March 24th issue of TV Guide? I feel you owe her many fans a feature about this versatile and talented teener. Irene Ziemba, Jersey City. [Quite right. Coming up soon.—E d.] OtJjf for 17 weeks of TV Guide Here’s your opportunity to get acquainted with TV GUIDE— to see for yourself why it’s be¬ come the world’s largest-sell¬ ing television magazine. Now you can join the more than a million readers who use TV GUIDE each week by subscrib¬ ing at the special introductory rate of 17 issues for only $1. Every week, TV GUIDE gives you the most complete and ac¬ curate round-up of program news and information avail¬ able— all designed to heighten your televiewing en¬ joyment. So act now —start TV GUIDE coming to you regularly by filling out the coupon below and returning it today. TV GUIDE 251 West 42nd Street, New York 18, N. Y. b please enter a subscription to TV GUIDE n my name at the special introductory rate of 17 weeks for only $1. My remittance is enclosed. N< Addr City.Zone.State. 17