TV Guide (February 19, 1955)

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Philadelphia Channel Chatter: Tony Mammarella, WFIL-TV’s Bandstand producer, re¬ cently joined the regulcir before-the- camera clan when he took over the host chores on the Hopalong Cassidy Theater series, seen Monday through Friday, 5-6:30 P.M. With the departure of Dick McCut- chen from the WPTZ staff, that station has dropped its Sunday evening, 11 P.M. news program. Ernest Leis is fill¬ ing in as acting supervisor of news. McCutchen Gillett Betty Gillett, recently here in the “Wonderful Town” cast, admits she Snds TV much more exciting and chal¬ lenging than a Broadway production. Philadelphia-bom, she was in the cho¬ rus of the old Showtime USA program, has done three shows with Milton Berle and made commercial films. Prior to her “W.T.” stint, she spent three years on Broadway in “South Pacific,” so she’s had time to measure both med¬ iums—^and still takes TV. Blake Ritter, host of WCAU-TV’s Early Show, has pulled a “Mr. Bland- ings.” He remodeled a barn in Chey- ney. Pa. and recently moved into it as his home, sweet home. Animate glamor will be mixed with inanimate glamor when WFEL-TV pre¬ sents its third annual Auto Show on Sunday, Feb. 20, 2-4:30 P.M. At least 29 of the latest American and foreign cars will be displayed, with the help of such lovely creatures as Miss Ginger Steen (who happens to be “Miss Col¬ lege Queen of 1955”) and Miss Lee Ann Meriwether, better known as “Miss America of 1955.” Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, who collaborated on Eddie’s last re¬ cording, “A Man Chases a Girl,” will do their “I do” duet June 17. It’s the anniversary of their first date. Betty Hutton, whose “TV spectac¬ ular” last September caused a decision to quit show business, has changed her mind. Being a home body, she an¬ nounced, left her “restless and bored.” We told you so. Madison Ave. explanation of the fir¬ ing of Malenkov: “Gk)dfrey heard he was engaged.” channels listed in program section O WPTZ (NBC) Architects Bldg., 17th and Sansom Sts., Philadelphia LOcost 4-5500 Q WFIL-TV (ABC, Du Mont) 46th and Market Sts.,. Philadelphia EVergreen 2-4700 WCAU-TV (CBS) City Line and Monument Ave., Philadelphia GReenwood 7-8300 (8) WGAL-TV (CBS, NBC, ABC, Du Mont) 24 S. Queen St., Lancaster Lancaster 5246 (f2) WDEL-TV (Independent) 10th and West Sts., Wilm., Business Office Wilm. 6-2567 302 North 13th Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa.; LOmbard 3-5588 Member; Audit Bureau of Circulations TV GUIDE A-1