TV Guide (December 3, 1955)

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Symbolic: brilliant device marks colorcasts on NBC’s Producers’ Showcase. than a couple of hundred thousand.” The NBC network, a wholly owned subsidiary of RCA, ‘also leads the industry in color programming activity. NEC now telecasts about 10 hours of color shows each week, compared to about two hours a week last year. And there are big plans under way to boost color programming even more. Sarnoff also announced recently that NBC’s Chicago station, WNBQ, will become the first all-color TV station. Its black-and-white equipment is being replaced with color equipment, so that in addition to the network color shows, WNBQ will also telecast all its The difference: Jack Benny as seen in color and in black and white on a recent CBS Shower of Stars. local live programs in color. The conversion to color, scheduled for completion by April 15, will cost about $1,250,000. “All the know-how, all the lessons we learn in this Chicago pilot operation, will be made available to other TV stations interested in advancing color TV as a regular service to the public,” Sarnoff said. “I am sure that the color programs that will be originating locally in Chicago will be felt throughout the TV world. For stations all over the country will have their eyes on Chicago, and I believe will follow Chicago’s lead and produce their local programs in color.” In addition, NBC has announced it will spend $12,000,000 continued