United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1920)

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ees ms “ = * a — 8 e + é e ~~» MIMUTSS oF Rzg@wLaR ‘EET oF UNITED ARTISTS CORPORATION Coy Boa OF DingoTNns ° ARCH €, 1920. — & . * ¥4 ‘ x . tu + — £ e« ‘ 3 . — > e J — — = rs ___ Diregters.of tit artists Corporation at joumned ‘from Febe 17th, ro e.g Z = * — a> . * — 1920, was hel@ at 4:00 — De Me, Thursiay; arch “th, —* — Bou the CMSs of the Presisént of the Corpezation, on the oth : ae ae 3 * * Gece of 729 Seven‘h avenue, in in the city of Ner Yori, = Be ¥s — — Wssrs. Albert f. 7. Beuriet, Nethun Bs a Surtan and “Qucer de Price. a : — — — — — ss I RSE * — — — — — M ATTENDANCE: Mre Le Re HOovere = A F ir. Prive called "the meeting to oraer and acted — 4 * A wees . &s Chairman thereof. ure a. Be “Clifton, secretary of the, — — eororat on. ected — — of the meeting.” — Capek ee * wa. s 2 — — * ~ — — On notion daly — and — — —J — — eget ei, the necting was ac fourned until 4:00 o¢ = ——— — = . “Thursday, March 11th, 1920. a3 3 — — re am pana “ ba * F x es — a = és * * eo ae ‘ — sens — Ue SS, ¥ —— — 4 wee Oe ee ee _ 22. PE a