United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1920)

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— oa Om motion of Ur. aanemf, seconied t a. ferar svi carriei, it ~us RESOLVED: That the Vice President ent Preasurer be and they 6re hereby suthorired to. continue to afvance . moneys to Wr. D. 7. Grivfith toward the production * eoats of the piotopler *Homance* until the total ad— vasces for *het — aggregste & sum nct in excess of $346, 500. The President s!vised the Scsrd that it vas — tint action be taxen -ith respect to hie successor. Mr. Dennis 7. 2*2ries wat notinated ‘or the — of Vice President of the ecorporaticn to serve until — hall "eve been duly elected and quire. Yote tmving been tuly teken end a1] the directors present levine voted, it "es announeed thet Mr. Dennis 7. O'Brien hed been usenisously chosen Vice President of the corpo mation. On mtion of Zr. O° Brien, seconded wr. w. Manche? 4 and cer-ied, it vas __ BSSGQLVED: That this Berd of Directors records its epprectation of the fatisfactcry and courteous courtecus condéyet =) ee of the United artists Corporetion’s a*feirs by Oscar APrice. its retiring Presidant. — The President reportedethat Ur. Clifton desired that ection = : i be taken ir resnect to his successor as Secratary ani Treasurer. i. albert E. 7. Senrhaf wus nominated for the office ofSecretsry and Treasurer, effective sy 1, 1920, to serve until his successor sha?l ters beer duly etected ani cuslified. Yote having teen Iuly teréa ni gl] the directtrs present ving voted, it “as announced thet ö—— — — — + Ur. albert #. 7. Senzhaf ‘®), been unarimcusly chosen Secretary and — urer of the corporation. . On motion of Mr. O'8rien, seconded by Mr. Burkas and carrie, * it was