United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1920)

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— RBGLVYE: Thet the selery of Oscar as Price, retiring President, be reid to Mey ist; and A sete: thet the salary of G. 3. Clifton, retiring Secretery . . ani Treasurer be reid for s paricT SP two ~seks after = the “time he shell leave the service of the corporat:ica. On motion of Mr. Burkan, seconded by Ur. Price sn] unanimously — — — a carried, it was — —— RESOLVED: ‘het Mr. Dennis 7. O'Srien he retained as = General Counsel for the corporation, with compenraticn to be detertined leter, ani to serve until his Stccesecr : — shell ‘eve been duly spreintel and qualified. a The proposed ‘ne~ contract “ith Ue. Eire adress, General gee ienazer, wes discussed, am? on sotion duly tate, seconted @i carrie?, i+ -as ; REECLVEDS het Mr. Tennis 7. O'Brien an? ur. Rethen Soran be aml they are hereby apoointed a committee of tee to ~~” ‘ — — formulate @ contract rith ir. Abrems, ani submit seme to ; x > the Board. fret explain to the haa — teplay for First National Bchibitors, ani thet it veulé — be YUsrible for Thited artists Corporatior to secure the relesse cf this a Picture for the sun of #225 ,000 of which £285,000 is to be reid tn cash, end the belance in sixty deys. Ur. Banchsf e-pleined thst the picture hai been ‘ grhibited in Mt. Yernon and Yonkers, en* ha! been faroretir received; ani ⸗ that.Mr. abrams hed looked et the picture enl thought it rovld be well for this corporaticn to secure it, releasing it acut two months efter *he release , * : dete of "Tey Dorn Gast". after Iiecussion, it was déternined by the meabers , 3 “ — — of the ⸗ submit the satter to the stockholders for decision. —— "+ [Om motion july made, seconde! and unanimourly cerried, : 7 = A ras . + eg i ek ee Paes