United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1920)

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= cg hg Sagi — SS Se. ee < : ¥ : — — ——— — — — 8 —* * “a — i all e = — — — — ~~ ** — * — — —* * — —— 2 OF "T= SPaclaL SED 6 + ane ⸗ — — —— — — S — — —— 20 F = A special meting of the Boerd of Directors United Artists See tion wes held st the offices cf said Sorpore*ion 78 7th svenue, the — day of May, 1920, st four o’clock P.M. pursuant’ to the following xgtice stiwh was by telegram to ecch Direetor in accortaace * sith the By—lows of sr i¢ —-—torsoretion: — — — — BOARD OF LIRZCTORS Or — CODaurid = * VILL HORD A STECIAL HMETING AT IBS OFPICES SEVEN — “9 : RIVE SEVENTH AVENUE NES YOu CY PRibay 1. sera — — V AT FOUR &. iis" — The members oresent vere lir. A. H. 2, Bonzhof, Mr. D. >. 7 Srien sat Jr. Reotiaa...Barkan; shace in attendcnce \ere lir. Hirem Abrams ané Mr. i. B. Procer « Banzhef, Acting —— — the minwesioz ‘he 22 joined eine 4 of said oe Boord “of Directors, ir was he!¢ April 27th, 1920, cat resotation res mre, — seconded anc une ted thet these minjwes be accepied db: the Boord gs @ cerrec — — of Directors of a Phivee ———— Coxporetion at sai rmeting. ig — \ = — The questi os to the amorpt dw. iirs. Cheriotie Pidkfore for oxzenses B in otftenfing metings of scid Boerd Of Directors, which tere held Curing the — months of November ant Decexber, i919, tes presented to the Seerd oné resolution, wos made, seconded and unanimousiy edoptec that the sum of five mmmired dollers ($500) be sent to lirs. Charlotte Pic Pickford in paymeat of scid expens®te 0 2. — Mr. Bonzhaf stoted in the meeting thes in sursueace + ith tho statement thich he hod mde at the last meeting of ss Boere of Dizecsors ~ to vite —* Ur. DoW. Griffith Could purchase 211 of che right, Vitle ond interest ef the First Yetimel Exnibiters’ Circuit, Inc. in the — — Motion Pictire produced by lr. Griffith, THE GUEST GIRL, hich ' is his lest Picture to b¢ “déYivereé to said Picst Nesionel Es * hibitorst Circuit, Inc. for the sum of three ; gancret ent treaty . me five thousand dollers ($525,000! ER, a oe ¢ 2 Ww He, Mr. Bonzhef, hac neposisied fxr ily ‘ ' Cireuit, Inc, ont hed srrangec to oreBiese seid ri“nt, t fer-he.... > sia of three mnéreé cn fifteen shocscne Collers (315,000): the satire con — ~-giteretton to be peid-in-eesh not sie e¢ ochior Bol trory * ott — pa vers incident to such tronsfer. *— (2) He, Ur. Banghof, had ecquo ined he members of —— ——— 0:8 ia — yew York City ¥ ith the-propc ition on — tn order ta tenia shch vachase — it’ Wald be necotsery for lir. Cri fis tO DorraR seid ahous 07 —* (. Griffith usc epreed to cura over — of ecif Picture, > GJUS? GIRL, to the United Artists Comorelica sursurat te the tems an¢ ¢>1Cicioas now existing betxeen said Cormerc>ién: age hinwsel?, proricec sei¢ q “c@roergtgcn endorseé note which ii. Griffich wocle 2 coliged te-stye in or ~ +9 20:2@6 tue sforeseic sim of money —