United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1920)

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e G i = 3. , ~ — > MINUTES OF SPECIAL LEETING . OF T= BOARD OF DIRccTasS V2 * — OF , on WIPED anTis?s CGP QuTia 7 — * — — ™ 2B fe MWR howe A VR KEK BS FW HWE Cormorstim Wer-heldin the. office of the corporation on the ninth floor of 729 Seventh Avenues, Nev York City, ot 4 otclock F... Wednestisy, June 9th, 1920. E * PRESENT: Mossre. Albert H. 7. Bonzhaf, Nathen burkcon ond — — Dennis’ 3 Pe ‘OBrien. — — — — — —— — ⸗ — iss Ysry Pickford, lirs. Cherlotte Pickfor, ir. Dmeles Poirbonks, Ifr. D. UW. Griffith, Hr. Hirem &brens, ir. hh R. Hoover, —— * V. 6. UeaAd oo ond tt. V. B. ed Preger. F set Chairmen: ent e Beashet es Secretary of_ the meetings. ; — J The minutes of the meeting of the Bord of Directors held Nay 19th, 1920 tere read and vere duly approved. = “ur. Loring R. Hoover, representing Tir. ‘Mesdoo, tas —— at The pea 3, e-Eeei_cc to exuleid te-the Bocrt ef cicsewers a Sse agement ‘ind Seidel eho ere essocie vet vit: Mis Meatoo in tis motion picture — "ROCHE". "his understanding ‘on behalf oc Lr. MeAdoo of thct business tronsection. His request was granted. — pn, — — Ur. O'Brien-stated to the meeting the synopsis of the draft of contrect which he hod dravn, end submitted to the reprosenteftives of the parties interested, and 5 ceneral discussion todk place.concerning the same. The megper wes -left in abeyence because ifr. Hoover stated he | desired to confer with fir. Meddoo won his re » after which he vould consider the matter further tith Ir. O'Brien, oat omey fer the corporation. ———— * _O'3rien Gesired to have it definitely widerstoc’ vho rill be responsible — © the———— should there be o deficit in the moneys avenced by’ the —— borros od by the cor>cration ent Toaned to the entezprise. — — — — — — ee ir. ‘Pairbdenks stated tt: he — — se tr, adres — to relecse "Mollycocdle" immediotely, ané Mr. “us. Griffith concratulstec him ~ won nis splendid spirit end stetec he +ill consent to ‘The Gamest-Girl" , being relecsed during the mid@le of Aumst. Ur. Griffith also steted that ‘ he will moke onother examination of "Ramence” relctive te reducing it in length an? advice Mr. Adrams of the — of the same.