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United Artists Corporate Minutes (Jan-Dec 1920)

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: ‘ * * F — La — Mr. Grifzith en in Ceteil concerning che sotion J, [~~ >icture “Woy Dain Est" thet he is no engoceé in procucing, on gave. it es his opinion thet he believed it to be the bicrest pieture he re been connected vith since “fhe Birth of a Necion", onc thot he wp orion — to celiver it beteeen Qctober first en’. Cctober 15th, 1920, ant chet he vill hove 2 prenre lease in the wo Coller theotres onc »arheps sis conters in the United States, bec ciming about the lasé week in Aususs,. & BM. Wat nA Artists Cor>orctiten may lecse the sicture %m 8 ercontage basis. Mr. Hoover presen-e¢ eo wi® UOClO wc y % resign: sion of Oscer A. Price, < member of “e Bor ot Directors. A resolution +-s —— seconcec ami unanimousir sdopted <-ccep sting the reeimnetion of Mr. Price ont conveying bast .ishes for for AUs Specess it the nev com” ; pore tion thet he is to be identified +ith. . Lorirg R. Hoover %as “ @uly elected to fill the voczacy coused Ly he “xesigk tion of Ex. Price. Mr. Hoover left the meeting before his election. ‘ 4 — Mrs. Cherlotte Pickford present a2 en DOES Se — — ö— — itn a6 a nenber Of the-Zoore: a o> a Cores. A resolution tes mde, seconced 2nd unanimously ede>ted thet the resiqetion be scceptedc + th recret. It vas also stated to ltrs. Pidcford thet her presence vill be ¥velcome ot ony end all meetinss of tlm Sere of Directors, em a vote of thenks wes extended to her for er services as director of the cor poretion. lr. Hirem Abraus was duly elected to fill the vacansy cause? by the resignation of Urs. Pickford, —⸗ꝰ * J The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers, end =e 4 _.. Ur, Hiram Abrams was duly elected President of the corporation to serve — it eithout conpense tion or sclory_exeept viet he received for his services J as Generel Manager of the corpérotion, pursuont to his contract ¥ith the t 1 corporetion. Mr. Abrons made such @ 2roposel to tie ‘Boord | of Diro¢tors 13 prior to his election... — — — — — ir. Albert Be *. Benszhat ‘tendered his yes ignstigp. os . Sresntites. — of the corporation to take effect imediotely; whereupon, e resoclition ves éuly made, secmdec and unanimously atoptec accepting the resimetion of Mr. Bonshoef, ené ea vote of thanis ves extended to him for his efficient services as Treasurer. Mr. O'Brien reed to the meting 2 letter ob. ir. Me Se Praeger, tho hes been acting as the eccountant for the corporation, offering to ree the services of Treasurer 2t ¥ comensstion of (ne Huncrec Dollars ($100.) pér week for one-half time, and 5% 5 groportionste rete of $200. @ week for time in ezcess of hours per eel: devoted to the affcirs of the Se F Ire Prager ‘es — elected Treasurer of the corpora tion “ond his camensetion fixed at $800. ver veck far one-holf time, * eny time in excess of tventy-one hows per ‘eel to be peice fa@ at tie proportionate rote of $200. per veck for full time. ;°